How to choose a cage for a rat?
A cage for a rodent is a real big world, which, with the right approach, is as close as possible to natural habitat conditions. Yes, the cage in any case limits the space, but if the model is chosen correctly, the pet feels completely comfortable in his home. Safety is also an important point. The free movement of a rat around the apartment can result in serious injuries for her, because. human habitation is replete with potentially dangerous factors for the animal. In a word, a cage for a rat is an essential item. However, choosing the right cage is not as easy as it seems at first glance. We list the main criteria that must be taken into account when buying.
We select a cage taking into account the characteristics and needs of the type of rodent. For example, a miniature cage for a hamster (and even more so an aquarium for fish) will never fit a rat.
The cage must be spacious! Rats are very active animals, they love to run, jump, play and perform various tricks. However, they need free space not only for interesting leisure, but also for proper development. In a cramped cage, rats are under stress and often get sick.
Active rodents such as rats should not be kept in a cage all the time. From time to time let the animals run around the room, but strictly control their movement. Make sure that nothing threatens the safety of pets. For example, a rat is almost 100% likely to decide to taste the wires. Our task is to prevent potentially dangerous situations for the animal.
Rats are ideally suited for spacious 2- and 3-story cages. animals can move freely in them. In addition, the multi-level constructions allow you to place a variety of toys, obstacles and other accessories in the cage, designed to make your pet’s life even happier!

It is best to choose metal cages with a plastic pallet. The metal will serve for a long time and with high quality, and the plastic pallet will greatly facilitate the cleaning of the cage. Do not forget that animals such as mice and rats love to litter, and therefore it is better not to neglect this point.
To maintain cleanliness, a special filler for rodents is placed at the bottom of the cage. It needs to be replaced at least once a week.
Avoid wooden cages (rats will gnaw at wood, besides this material absorbs liquids and is easily contaminated) and aquariums (gas exchange is disturbed in them and high humidity is kept).
Don’t forget to install a mineral stone in the cage. If the rat does not have an object for grinding teeth, it will begin to gnaw the bars of the cage (even metal ones). Which will negatively affect both the condition of the teeth and the condition of the fur on the muzzle.
The dimensions of the cage for one rat should be at least 60x50x60 cm.
If you have several rats, a spacious cage for ferrets or squirrels is the best choice. You can also order the manufacture of a special aviary.
Happy shopping!