How much does a shelter dog cost?

How much does a shelter dog cost?

Some people are attracted to the opportunity to take a dog from a shelter not only because of the desire to do a good deed, but sometimes also because such a pet can be obtained for free (although if you take a dog, for example, from the Minsk center for catching and temporary keeping of animals “Fauna of the City” , you will have to pay some amount). But a shelter dog is not the same as “free” or “cheap.” 

How much does a shelter dog cost?

A potential owner should be fully aware that a dog from a shelter is no different from any other dog in terms of maintenance and care. And sometimes it costs more. This must be taken into account when calculating your strength.

How much does it cost to keep a dog from a shelter and what does the price consist of?

When deciding to take a dog from a shelter, you need to consider that the maintenance of a pet consists of two components.

  1. A question of money.
  • Ammunition and everything necessary for a comfortable life of a dog. All these things are best purchased before the dog appears in your home. These are bowls for food and water, a harness (or collar) and a leash, a bedding or a lounger, an address book, care accessories – depending on the breed and quality of wool, etc.
  • Constant item of expenditure: food, treats, toys, etc.
  • The cost of training the dog (for example, paying for the services of a training instructor). Keep in mind that dogs from a shelter most often have a not entirely prosperous past, which leaves an imprint on their behavior. Therefore, it is likely that you will need to consult a zoopsychologist. And in general, you will have to invest more than if you chose a puppy from a “good family”.
  • Veterinary procedures: one-time – chipping and sterilization, permanent – vaccination, treatment for parasites, if necessary – treatment. Again, previous bad experiences can make a dog much more vulnerable to disease. So if you adopt a dog from a shelter, you need to go to the vet immediately to make sure that everything is in order with him, or start treatment in time if necessary.
  • Additional expenses. You may need to look for overexposure for the dog or use the services of a “dog sitter” while on vacation. Or buy tickets if you are taking your dog on the road.
  1. It’s a question of time.
  • It is necessary to walk with the dog – at least 2 times a day (2 hours in total, and preferably more), as well as communicate, play, practice.
  • Vet visits and training sessions are also quite time consuming. For example, it’s worth studying with an instructor (at least for the first time) at least once a week for 1 hour – plus the way there and back.

Sometimes, when transferring a dog from a shelter, an agreement is concluded, which provides for the main points. But in any case, keep in mind that dog ownership changes the way of life, you need to be prepared for this. Probably, the time that you used to spend on leisure activities will decrease (visits to friends, restaurants, movies, etc.), you may have to reconsider the usual way to spend your holidays.

How much does a shelter dog cost?

By no means planning to dissuade potential owners from taking a pet from a shelter, I would like to remind you that such a decision should be responsible and balanced. Only in this case, there is a chance that the dog will become a welcome member of the family, and not a burden, and will not end up again in a shelter, on the street, or, even worse, in the euthanasia room.

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