How much does a dog sleep

How much does a dog sleep

Sometimes dog owners feel like their pet is sleeping too much or too little. How much does a dog sleep normally and what determines the duration of a dog’s sleep?

How much does a dog sleep

In the photo: the dog is sleeping. Photo:

The answer to the question “How much does a dog sleep‘ depends on many factors. Generally, on average, adult dogs sleep (normally) 14 to 18 hours per night.

What determines how much a dog sleeps per day?

  1. From age. Puppies and older dogs (over 7-10 years old) sleep more than adult dogs. For example, a puppy up to 3 months sleeps about 20 hours a day.
  2. From stress and fatigue. If the dog has experienced stress or has had very busy days, he can sleep for a very long time, sometimes for days on end.
  3. From the level of arousal. If the dog is overexcited, he cannot sleep.
  4. From lifestyle. If a dog spends a lot of time alone and is bored, he may sleep more than a dog whose owners lead an active lifestyle.
  5. From the weather. Dogs often sleep more on hot or cloudy days.
  6. From well-being. If the dog is sick, he sleeps longer than usual.

A dog’s sleep is divided into several phases: fast, during which the dog dreams, and slow, during which muscles relax, body temperature decreases, breathing and heart rate slow down.

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