How long does a cat go pregnant: signs of pregnancy, how to prepare and organize the birth of a pet

How long does a cat go pregnant: signs of pregnancy, how to prepare and organize the birth of a pet

Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine a house without a cat. It is these fluffy creatures that have become the most frequently preferred pets among people. Everyone chooses a pet or favorite to their taste. Someone is a fan of certain breeds, others will be happy to see any purring pet in their apartment. But, as the proverb says: “We are responsible for those whom we have tamed,” and any owner who respects himself and his animals must read the material on caring for a cat. After all, they, like people, have an interesting life, they also have love feelings, and based on them, offspring.

How long does a cat go pregnant and how to prepare for childbirth?

If you are the owner of a female pet, then you must take into account that someday you will have to witness the passage of pregnancy and childbirth of your pet. And in this case, you need to know how to help your pet and how to handle a pregnant cat. This article will answer questions such as:

  • how long does a cat go pregnant;
  • how to determine pregnancy;
  • what kind of food should a pregnant cat have;
  • behavior of the expectant mother;
  • restrictions;
  • preparation for childbirth;
  • postpartum care.

Biological timing of pregnancy in a cat

The main terms vary from 9 weeks. It has to do with what kind of life the cat has, whether it is well cared for, whether it is homemade or homeless. With good care, a pet can bear offspring from one to a dozen kittens and can get pregnant up to 3 times a year. However, it is better not to allow triple motherhood, especially if the owners are breeding and selling expensive breeds. The offspring should be no more than once a year, then the health of your pet will be at the highest level. Frequent pregnancy can cause great harm to the body. The gestation period depends on the number of embryos, the more there are, the earlier the birth will be.

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How to determine pregnancy?

Up to 3 weeks, it is almost impossible to calculate a cat in a position, because there are no visible signs in these terms. From three weeks pregnant becomes the owner of bright pink and swollen nipples. As a result of ongoing changes in the hormonal background, the expectant mother begins to vomit in the morning or after eating.

After 5 weeks, the weight of the pregnant woman increases significantly. Appetite in these terms is also on top. Attentive owners may notice a change in character beloved pet. The expectant mother becomes a victim of frequent mood swings. If earlier she was affectionate and kind, now she can scratch and bite. Or, on the contrary, it will become more affectionate and will try to spend more time next to its household members.

As in humans, during pregnancy, a cat’s craving for sleep increases and it becomes inactive. Closer to childbirth expectant mother may suffer from urinary incontinence, you also need to be prepared for this and not punish her for a puddle in the most unexpected place. Before the birth of kittens, the pet becomes anxious, eats little and runs around the house, looking for a place for childbirth.

What food should a pregnant cat have?

Of course, it will be better if the cat eats natural products. If possible, cat crackers should be replaced with more healthy food that contains many vitamins in its composition. If the cat is accustomed to a special food, then it is better to choose not crackers, and canned food or pieces in jelly. Try to give your cat dairy products, fresh or cooked meat, eggs and fish more often. After all, these products contain the greatest amount of useful substances that are very necessary for the body of a pregnant cat.

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Cat pregnancy has the most standard signs of every pregnant woman. This is a frequent change of mood, drowsiness and inactivity. Isolation from the outside world and the desire to be loved.

In addition, a number of restrictions will be useful to the cat, namely:

  • limit contact with the cat. In order to avoid double pregnancy, it is better not to let cats near the cat;
  • in no case do not give medications;
  • in case of fleas or worms, consult a veterinarian about possible treatment;
  • do not give the pregnant body stress and bullying;
  • do not overfeed;
  • restrict from high jumps.
Беременная кошка

Preparing for childbirth

In order for the cat to give birth easily and comfortably, care should be taken to prepare the family house. Yes, and it will not be very pleasant if she lathers in a drawer with linen, for example. In advance you need to choose a convenient cardboard box and cover it with a suitable sheet. You can sew a featherbed and cover it with a sheet, which can then be removed and replaced with a clean one. The box should be placed in a cozy place where the cat will feel good. It is advisable to show the house to a pregnant cat more often so that she gets used to it and nestles there.

Try to find out in advance which veterinary clinic is open at night so that you can seek help from specialists in case of difficult childbirth.

Postpartum care

The main help in relation to the animal will be to ensure complete rest. No need to disturb the cat or force it to eat. Let her sleep as long as she needs. Sleep will help restore lost strength.

Warning signs are: increased salivation, impaired coordination of movement, anxiety, fever, seizures, loss of appetite for more than a day. In the presence of such signs, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian.

So, summing up, we can state the following:

  • cat pregnancy is an important and responsible moment. If your pet is in a position, try to make every effort to comfortably go through these difficult days in the life of your kitty;
  • be sure to monitor the nutrition of the expectant mother, because now she is capricious like a little child and wants to feast on everything at once and indiscriminately;
  • so that Murka and her kids do not suffer, limit them from all the harmful influences indicated in the article earlier;
  • help your animal give birth to healthy kittens, monitor her health and prepare in advance everything you need for a successful birth;
  • provide attention, caress and support to your beloved kitty and know that she will not remain in your debt.
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