How is a Scottish cat different from a British one?

How is a Scottish cat different from a British one?

British and Scottish cats were bred in the neighborhood, often intersected in the selection process and therefore similar to each other. However, there are also many differences between them. How to distinguish a British from a Scot?


Fold – British or Scottish cat? Unusual hanging ears can only be in the Scots. Lop-eared kittens are also called Scottish Folds, the features of keeping and caring for which can be found in the article.

The erect ears of British and Scottish cats are also different. In the British, they are set wide, their base is also wide, and the tips are rounded. Straight-eared Scots, which are called Scottish Straights, have pointed ears and are located closer to the crown.


This is another difference between the British and the Scots, which immediately catches the eye. The British breed has more developed cheekbones, a chin that forms a “smile” and pronounced cheeks, similar to bulldogs. The head of the Scottish cat is spherical, and the muzzle has a characteristic “owl” expression.

Body type

The differences between British cats and Scottish cats are not very significant in constitution, but they produce a different impression. The British look more powerful, massive and squat – mainly due to short thick legs. The Scots have a more elongated body and longer legs, so they seem light and graceful.


This sign is not so obvious, but if you put a Scottish and British cat side by side, the differences in their tails will be noticeable. The typical British tail is thick, short or medium in length, ending in a rounded tip. The tails of the Scots are long and thin, with pointed tips. And they are necessarily flexible: this parameter is considered important for the breed standard and is separately evaluated by experts at exhibitions.


Here the differences between the British and the Scots must be determined not by eye, but by touch. Both have dense and thick hair, but the coat of the British cat resembles plush in structure – it is very soft and delicate. The Scots have more like a typical cat coat.

Scottish or British: which is better in character

Perhaps this is the most important sign – after all, a cat that will become a good friend should be chosen precisely by character. The temperaments of the British cat and the Scottish cat are fundamentally different. The British are introverts. They are self-sufficient, unobtrusive, tolerate loneliness well, and are distrustful of strangers. However, this does not mean that they are gloomy and unsociable. With all households, British cats are affectionate, joyfully greet those who come, they like to curl up on their knees. In a word, these are ideal companions for busy people who do not spend much time at home. You can learn more about the character of the British here.

Scottish cats, on the other hand, are extroverts. They love to be the center of attention, appreciate communication and get along even with dogs. The Scots also get along with children: they willingly participate in games and patiently endure hugs. Thanks to all this, they are considered cats for a large friendly family of homebodies.

Here is the main difference between British and Scottish cats. With the help of this small guide, you can easily distinguish representatives of one breed from another.

See also:

The nature of the cat: which one suits your lifestyle

Scottish fold kittens: choice, nickname and care

British Shorthair: description and nature of the breed

How to name a kitten?

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