How does a kitten develop in the period from 1,5 to 3 months?
The period from 1,5 to 3 months in the life of a kitten is rich in interesting events, the main of which is moving to a new home! This is the period of the first vaccination, treatment for parasites, active socialization and new skills.
In our article, we will tell you what happens to the kitten in this segment, what stages of development it goes through.
At 1,5-2 months, the kittens are already familiar with solid food. They need less and less mother’s milk. From 2 months, kittens are applied to their mother more for comfort and out of habit. They get their main nutrients from food.
At 2 months, the kitten is very active and understands a lot. He recognizes the voice of the owner, knows how to use the tray and absorbs the rules of behavior in the house.

By 2 months, kittens are teething. Like children, at this time, kittens pull everything into their mouths. It is important to give them useful dental toys and make sure that the kitten does not try something potentially dangerous on the tooth.
At 2,5 months, kittens can already be taught to grooming, but the procedures should be symbolic. Gently run the comb over the kitten’s fur, touch its paws with a nail cutter, wipe its eyes, and clean its ears. Your goal is not to perform the procedure, but rather to introduce the kitten to it, to the care tools. You must convey to him that grooming is pleasant and that nothing threatens him.
At 3 months, the kitten already hears and sees perfectly. By 3-4 months, kittens usually already have an eye color.
At 3 months, the kitten already has a full set of milk teeth: he has as many as 26 of them! The kitten is already eating food, he has about 5-7 meals a day.
The 3 month old kitten is playful and affectionate. He loves to communicate with others and is ready to part with his mother.

At 3 months, the kitten is trained in the basic rules of behavior. He knows how to use a tray and a scratching post, is accustomed to food, socialized, vaccinated and treated for parasites. This is a great time to move into a new home.
Before picking up a kitten from a breeder, be sure to check the vaccination and parasite treatment schedule. You must leave the breeder not only with the kitten, but with all the information about him. We wish you a pleasant acquaintance!