How do cats show love?
Representatives of the cat family are famous for their independence, but even they become attached to people and have the warmest feelings for them. Cats that love their owners show their love in a variety of ways. Moreover, some of these signals can be regarded by a person in two ways and even negatively. ЧRead the article to the end, because we will tell you about all the known signs of feline love, which are probably inherent in your cat.
How to understand that a cat loves its owner
If with dogs most often everything is clear right away, then you need to look closely at the cat and notice the signals in her behavior that will help recognize her love. Here they are.
- Purr
This is the simplest and most recognizable sign of a feline disposition towards a person. When a cat purrs, it means that she enjoys communicating with a person and stroking him.
- Friction on the cheeks
When a person’s face is close to the cat’s muzzle, the pet can give you a kind of “cat kiss” – rub its head against your cheeks.
The fact is that in the head region of cats there are glands with which they mark well-studied objects. If a cat “butts” you with its forehead on your cheeks, it means that in your presence it is calm and safe.
- licking
Cats use licking to show their good attitude to another individual in the company of relatives. This is a sign of care and a desire to take care of the fur coat of your love object. With people, cats behave the same way – they try to lick their face, hands and hair.
- Gifts
Sometimes gifts can be innocuous, such as your own favorite toys or other little things. But cats that walk on the street, after attacks, can present the owner with unexpected surprises in the form of dead mice or birds.
Although such a picture causes negative feelings, it’s better not to show them to your pet, because he took care of you. He also demonstrated that he is a hunter, earner and breadwinner, therefore he is worthy of your praise.
Do not scold your pet for “gifts”, it is not his fault that the sight of dead animals scares you. And if you punish and scold the cat, she will consider it a betrayal.
- Rolling near the legs and showing the stomach
A cat that loves a person will certainly feel completely safe next to him. Therefore, he can safely lie on his back and show the most vulnerable place for any creature – the stomach. Rolling on the floor near your feet, the cat seems to say: “Look, I completely trust you, you can stroke me.”
- Eye contact and blinking
In the wild, cats do not like long eye contact with relatives and regard this as aggression. But if a cat looks into a person’s eyes and squints at the same time, this speaks of love. To show your pet that you reciprocate, also look into his eyes and blink slowly – the cat will understand you.
- Biting and sucking on hair or clothes
Love biting with a playful or embittered “bite” is difficult to confuse. When expressing love, cats bite very carefully and gently, without causing pain at all.
By sucking hair or clothes, the cat imitates the sucking of the mother’s breast and thereby shows that you are like a parent to her.
- “Milk step”
Another “bell” from childhood is trampling, the so-called “milk step”. Babies wring their mother’s belly with their paws while sucking the breast, trying to squeeze out more milk. If a pet is actively pushing you, it means that he associates you with a cat mom.
- Begging for affection
A cat that loves its owner will demand attention and affection. And it is better to give the purr time so that she understands that you value her too.
- Walking on the heels
The cat will follow you with a “tail” and will not lose sight of you for a moment, because it does not want to be without your company even for a short time.
- reverse turn
People are very embarrassed and even indignant when, while resting on the bed, a cat jumps onto its chest and turns to face its causal place. Do not confuse – cats do not show their disdain this way, but vice versa. Cats won’t let anyone near their tail. Moreover, in childhood, kittens turn their backs to their mother so that she licks their anus and they can go to the toilet. So the pet is not trying to humiliate you, he just completely trusts you.
- Funny Games
A loving cat will want to have fun with the owner playing together.
- Patience
We are talking about cutting nails, bathing, cleaning ears, etc. Usually cats do not like all this, but if they love a person, they will patiently wait until the owner finishes making them beautiful.
- Lying beside
If the owner is resting or sleeping, the cat will certainly want to lie down next to him. In a dream, cats are defenseless, but next to a person they trust, four-legged ones can easily indulge in oblivion.
- twitching tail
Pay attention to how the cat behaves when you come home. If she runs out to meet you, meows happily, holds her tail with a pipe, and its tip twitches slightly, it means that the pet does not have a soul in you.
- Jealousy
Cats do not like to share the attention of a loved one, so they will drive away and offend any rivals, as long as the owner belongs only to them.
- Sleep on the owner’s clothes
When a person is away from home for a long time, the cat, wanting to feel his presence, lies down on his clothes and inhales the familiar smell. Therefore, if you find a cat sitting on his favorite shirt, do not scold your tailed friend – he just wants to be closer to you.
- Tags
We all understand how cats mark their territory. They do this not only with the help of urine, but also with claws, peeling off the master’s sofa or carpet. But in this way, the pet only demonstrates its affection for the house and you, therefore it marks the territory.
However, walking past the tray should not be left without your attention. If the cat flatly refuses to sit in the tray, this can be an alarming symptom. Be sure to consult with a specialist.
Even if you don’t really like some manifestations of cat love, do not show your pet your indignation. The cat can be offended and radically change its attitude towards you.