How Clicker Training Helps Raise Your Puppy

How Clicker Training Helps Raise Your Puppy

Owner and CommanderHow Clicker Training Helps Raise Your Puppy

Your puppy wants to please you, he appreciates your approval and will always strive to get it! But at the same time, he will always wait for your command, so it will be a lot of fun to train him. Once your baby has learned a few basic commands, your communication with him will become much easier, and this will help you build a good relationship with him. For example, you can teach him to respond to the name, go “to the leg” and behave well on a walk.

Clicker training is a great way to do this. This training technique was developed in the 1940s as a way to communicate with dolphins and whales, and its principles can be easily applied to dogs. It is a humane, modern and scientific way to make pet training easier.

How it works

The principle of clicker training is to associate the click (click) with the correct behavior in the pet, to reward such behavior and to check that the puppy understands the reason for receiving the reward.

Using a click to indicate the correct behavior will help your young pet understand what he has done to receive a reward. Clicker training is based on positive reinforcement—or reward—that eliminates the need for punishment.

Taking a really simple approach to puppy training is the best way to get the results you want. Clicker training helps to teach your puppy to associate clicking with good behavior and to train him properly. The pet will expect a reward if successful. Start by rewarding yourself with treats, and then as you progress with each command, move on to using praise and affection as rewards.

How to start training

You can teach your puppy to do just about anything, from simple commands like “sit” and “stand” to the ability to fetch a remote control or slippers. All this takes a little patience.

When you begin the training process, find a place away from distractions and prepare dry food as a reward.

Start with the basics: call the puppy by its name. As soon as he looks at you, click and give him a reward. Remember that a puppy’s ears are very sensitive, so don’t hold the clicker too close to him.

He will soon realize that by calling his name and giving you his full attention, he will be rewarded with a flick and a treat. Use this as a general principle for all training teams: every time he does something well, click the clicker and give him a treat. Once he has mastered the basics, more commands can be entered, such as “sit”, “stand” and “down”.

The quieter you go, the further you’ll get

Your puppy will perceive everything as a game, so he needs to be stimulated by constantly changing the content of the training. It is much easier to do it gradually, rather than in one never-ending session. Practice each command for about five minutes and then return to it at every opportunity.

Practice commands in different places: in the living room, in the garden, in the hall or in the kitchen, even on walks, so that the puppy gets used to responding to you in a variety of situations. You can apply the clicker technique to other aspects of pet training, such as teaching him to sit still during a medical exam or while traveling in a car.

Your pet will learn very quickly and respond to love and affection as well as rewards. Training will help establish a strong bond between you, and the reward will be a happy, obedient and well-mannered dog.

For information about others aspects of training click here.

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