How a cat shows that she is the head of the house

How a cat shows that she is the head of the house

The cat of the house is the main one, and it does not matter what the owner thinks about it. By the way, it is she who owns not only the house, but the whole world.

Scientific American estimates that the relationship between humans and cats dates back 12 years. For thousands of years, these graceful creatures have been admired by royalty, ordinary people and everyone else – minus a couple of people who do not consider themselves to be cat lovers.

If a fluffy pet lives in the house, the cat is the main one in the house, and no one will doubt it. Here are three ways he proves it:

Attention on demand

How a cat shows that she is the head of the house

Despite the common myth that cats are aloof and reserved, they are actually very affectionate, especially when they need attention. For example, right now. If the owner is working on an important project at home, the cat will “set camp” right on the keyboard. If he tries to take a nap, he will butt until he wakes him up. All this happens because the cat is sure: the world revolves around it. She shows remarkable ingenuity when it comes to satisfying her own needs.

According to National Geographic, scientists have found that over time, cats begin to understand how different family members react to their antics, and know exactly what to do to attract the attention of a particular person or beg for a treat. At the same time, if she is hinted at her readiness for a session of tenderness, the cat will probably not even listen. She does everything on her own terms.

Reluctance to move

They only move when they want to. The cat thinks that she is the boss, and if she wants to sit on a magazine or newspaper that the owner reads, she will do it, not caring that he had a great time reading before. 

A cat is a very, very intelligent creature. Want to put her in a carrier to take her to the vet? Good luck! You can’t fool her with a gentle voice. When it’s time for bed, just try to move her out of bed to lie down. Get a paw swipe, an annoyed look, or maybe even a low growl. 

Ohio State University’s Indoor Pet Initiative points out that although the cat doesn’t have to compete with its owner for food, it remains a territorial hunter, like its jaguar and tiger relatives. This does not mean that she does not love you – just that access to food and comfort is much more important to her. Accordingly, you will have to sleep on the edge of the bed as her loyal subject.

Dinner date

Perhaps the only thing cats love more than sleeping is eating. This is what makes the owner their number one employee. Cats are sure that they are responsible for the food supply, and really decide for themselves when it’s time for dinner. 

The owner is the one who opens the jar of food, serves it and cleans the dishes. If you invite her to try a new food, the cat may not be too happy about the change in the main meal of the day. Furry cats are notoriously picky eaters, so don’t be surprised if it takes your cat a long time to get used to a new food, let alone love it.

It happens that the cat watches the owner while he sleeps. It may look scary enough, but the fact is that she just wants to eat. And it doesn’t matter that it’s 3 in the morning. She is hungry, and the owner is obliged to feed her right now. Pets do not live the same daytime schedule as humans, nor are they nocturnal like owls and bats. The cat is actually a crepuscular animal, which means that the energy level is at its peak at dawn and dusk. Her instincts still wake her up in the wee hours, when small furry and feathered prey are most active. Providing a cat with healthy food and fresh water is an important task for any owner, but it is best to do this on her schedule.

The fluffy beauty knows that she is the head of the house, and she decides what needs to be done and when. And why don’t cats think they’re in charge? After all, the owners fulfill all their whims and requests, and this is just one of the many reasons why the cat allows them to be part of their beautiful and happy life. Maybe it’s not people who rule the world at all, but there is some kind of secret society of cats that pull the strings of people, like puppets, so that they satisfy all their whims?

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