Horse equipment for children

Horse equipment for children

Horse equipment for children

Communication with horses gives children a sea of ​​positive emotions, teaches responsibility and self-discipline. You can start learning to ride kids from primary school age. This should be done only with a competent instructor and in the right ammunition. A good instructor can be found in a professional equestrian club, and I will tell you about the details of choosing children’s equipment in this article.

Special equipment is important not for beauty, but for the safety of the young rider!

Proper clothing:

  • facilitates movement and improves the maneuverability of the rider;
  • protects from wind and cold;
  • contains a minimum of decorative fasteners and buttons that can cause discomfort to the owner;
  • softens falls;
  • is more practical than everyday things.


Golf or shirt should be made from natural fabrics and have long sleeves that do not hang out or get in the way. Lessons are also allowed in short-sleeved T-shirts, but it is better to protect the child’s hands as much as possible.


For classes you need special tight-fitting trousers (breeches). Ordinary jeans or leggings do not fit. Equestrian trousers are complemented by anti-slip inserts that help the rider stay in the saddle.


It is better to buy special shoes for riding. In any case, high boots with a flat sole, a small heel and a tight toe are suitable for classes. Sneakers, boots, sandals, etc. – unacceptable for a child!


The helmet should have a rigid frame with a layer that softens the blows. It is selected individually, depending on the size of the rider’s head. A helmet is that piece of equipment that is not recommended for anyone to save on!

Good workouts are safe workouts!

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