Hamster Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest!
How many unusual competitions have been invented in the history of mankind! This is a women’s marathon in heels, and inflating a hot-water bottle with your nose, and throwing mobile phones, and even eating hot dogs … By the way, we mentioned the last one for a reason, because in eating hot dogs the Japanese champion was won by none other than cute, chubby hamster named Bogart!
But first things first. According to The Daily News, Japanese Takeru Kobayashi and a hamster participated in the hot dog eating competition.
In July 2011, Takeru already became the record holder, mastering 69 hot dogs in just 10 minutes! No one else in the world could demonstrate such a result – believe me, many tried … But then Bogart the hamster appeared, who demonstrated to the whole world that no one can compete with rodents!
But don’t worry, the hamster didn’t eat simple bun and sausage hot dogs, which are bad for rodents, but special “hamster” fruit and vegetable hot dogs carefully prepared for the rodent by the chef. Gobbling up treats, the hamster developed a breathtaking speed, which the record holder himself envied!
As you probably guessed right away, it was not a real competition, but a staged humorous video featuring amazing animals. However, as Takeru Kobayashi assured the audience, in real competitions, Bogart would no doubt be the absolute champion! Takeru even envied the impressive cheeks of the rodent, since the victory at the last stage in human competitions often goes to the one who can fit more hot dogs in his mouth, and such cheeks would be a definite advantage!
However, whether this competition was real or bogus, the gold medal ultimately went to the little rodent! So let’s congratulate the furry hot dog eating champion and wish him a good appetite!