Gymnocoronis spilantovidny
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides, scientific name Gymnocoronis spilanthoides. It is a related species of garden plants Asters. It comes from the South American continent, grows in swamps, backwaters of rivers and other bodies of water with a weak current.
The plant has an erect stem and wide lanceolate green leaves, growing two on each tier, oriented against each other. The growth site of the leaves may have purple hues. In an aquarium, it can grow up to 60 cm, although in nature it often exceeds 2 meters! Reaches the surface and in the surface position gives small white flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm.
Gymnokoronis spilantovidny is recommended to be grown in soft slightly acidic water and sandy substrate. Otherwise, it is quite unpretentious, not demanding on the level of lighting and the mineral composition of the soil, and can withstand significant temperature fluctuations.