Guinea pigs are not pigs at all!

Guinea pigs are not pigs at all!

It is believed that guinea pigs smell bad. Is it really? Should I be afraid to start a rodent because of the “unpleasant” smell? Let’s talk about this in our article.

Let’s start with the fact that guinea pigs are miniature rodents that have nothing to do with pigs. Knowing how much pigs like mud baths, you might think that pigs dream of the same thing. But we have to disappoint you! And in the cell (under normal conditions) there is no dirt.

There is no consensus on why rodents are so nicknamed. Perhaps the reason for this is the quiet grunting that they emit, or perhaps the outlines of the muzzle. Be that as it may, a pig is not a pig, and not a sea pig at all! Once upon a time, these cute rodents came to us from across the sea. At first they were called so: “overseas”. But over time, the abbreviated form took root: “marine”.

The name is clear, but what about the smell? Do guinea pigs smell?

In the wild, the location of the rodent gives out its smell. In order not to attract predators, guinea pigs clean their fur and wash themselves several times every day. This instinct, fixed by centuries of evolution, is also manifested in domestic pigs. Just watch them: yes, they preen all the time! These are extremely clean pets!

Nature itself has taken care that guinea pigs do not smell.

Sometimes the room with pigs smells bad. But it’s not about rodents, it’s about care. In the same way, it can smell in any other room where mice, rats, degus or hamsters are kept if they are not properly cared for.

When the cage and inventory are poorly cleaned, they forget to change the bedding, do not remove food debris, do not change the water in the drinking bowl and do not monitor the appearance of rodents, a smell appears. And in such a situation, he is the lesser of evils. Imagine how the pigs themselves feel when they are in unsanitary conditions? In a contaminated cell, the risk of infection and the appearance of parasites increases. On a stale bedding, it is wet and cold. Garbage that is not removed from the cage gets tangled in the fur. And stale water and spoiled food remains are completely dangerous for the life of rodents.

The unpleasant smell from the cells with pigs is a signal of poor care!

Leftover food and soiled bedding must be removed from the cage in a timely manner. As a filler (litter), it is better to use special peeled sawdust or crushed corn cobs. They can be purchased at any pet store. Read more about this in the articles “” and “”.

With proper care, if the pigs smell of something, then only fragrant hay! I’m sure you wouldn’t mind.


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