grass for cats
If your cat goes outside, you have probably noticed how she chews different blades of grass from time to time. This is a harmless action – thereby it determines what can be eaten and what is harmful or even dangerous to health. But animals that don’t go outside don’t have the ability to find the right herb. They begin to eat houseplants and can harm themselves. Petunias, hydrangeas, lilies, orchids, ficuses and other domestic plants cause poisoning, swelling and allergies in the animal. Do not punish your pet for spoiling your flowers, but offer him healthy grass for cats, which you can grow yourself, decorating the apartment and making your pet happy.
Why do cats need grass?
To cleanse the stomach of wool and other debris. Green plants have a slight laxative effect on cats;
Grass contains vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, fiber necessary for cats. Thanks to green vegetation, animals make up for the lack of nutrients.

In the wild, all felids feed on whole carcasses of their prey. All non-nutritive and tough parts of the prey (fur, feathers, bones, claws, etc.) are removed from a healthy body on their own, but eating grass contributes to this. Domestic cats mainly eat food that does not contain hard and indigestible parts. However, a lot of hair and dust accumulate in the stomachs of domestic cats. If there is too much hair, it falls into a ball and causes discomfort to the cat. Eating grass regularly can prevent these situations.
What grass do cats like?
There is no single answer to the question of what kind of grass cats like. Animals themselves choose which grass is tasty for them, each cat has its own preferences. However, we will tell you the names of useful herbs that most indoor cats may like. We advise you to plant several species at once in order to quickly find out the preferences of your pet.
The most favorite herb for many cats is freshly germinated wheat. It has a sweetish taste, soft and healthy. Loaded with fiber, protein & omega-3s. Wheat (like the other cereals listed below) is easy to grow because it germinates quickly and does not require additional care.

Wheat. Source – www.divomix.com
Oats, like wheat, are rich in fiber. In addition, it contains antioxidants, amino acids and fats. This fresh herb is not only beneficial for cats but also for humans.

Oats. Source – infokotiki.ru
Packed with folic acid and beta-glucan, this cat grass improves metabolism in cats and is also beneficial for recuperation after physical activity.

Barley. Source – ydoo.info
Thyme has a calming effect, relieves stress, improves mood. The cat becomes affectionate and calm. Please note that thyme grows quite slowly, so it is better to plant it in several containers at once.

Thyme. Source – misirina.files.wordpress.com
This weed grows everywhere, but cat owners do not even realize that this herb is good for their pets. The plant has rather hard leaves that cleanse the stomach and normalize digestion. Wheatgrass is also saturated with vitamins A, B, E and minerals.

Wheatgrass. Source – zdorovie-legkie.ru
This herb is also suitable for cats, because licorice prevents allergies and heals irritated mucous membranes. It also improves the functioning of the respiratory, endocrine and digestive systems.

sweet The source is infopechen.ru
It is rich in magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus, and also contains proteins, proteins, fiber and polysaccharides. This feline “superfood” is recommended as a vitamin supplement to dry food.

Ryegrass. Source — kedr812.ru
What can’t be planted?
Catnip and valerian have a narcotic effect. Do not grow them for pets. In small doses, they are harmless, but not suitable for regular use.

How to plant grass for cats?
You can plant grass for cats without even having a pot of earth. There are two ways:
Growing in soil or vermiculite
Grass seeds for cats can be purchased at a pet store. Then you need to buy soil – a universal flower or vermiculite (crumb made of natural material that retains moisture longer and is successfully used for germinating seeds and growing seedlings). If you are planting seeds in vermiculite, you should take a wide container that does not have holes in the bottom. It can be a small box or tray. The size is selected so that the pet can easily reach the grass.
When the soil and container are selected, the next step begins – soaking the seeds for 50-60 minutes. If you use ordinary soil, then it is enough to moisten it slightly before planting, and if you use vermiculite, then it needs to be soaked, like seeds, for about 1 hour. The prepared soil is laid out in an even layer in a container, then the seeds are sown and sprinkled with the same soil. To create a greenhouse effect, the container can be covered with cling film and placed in a warm place (not higher than 35 ° C). When green stalks appear from under the ground, it is necessary to remove the film and let the “lawn” grow in normal home conditions. Water when the topsoil dries out.
After 5-6 days, the germinated grass can already be offered to the cat. True, this method of growing has one drawback – animals can start digging into the whole structure and dig up the plants. If you are faced with such a problem, then another method is suitable for you – growing in gauze.
Growing in gauze
In order to plant grass for cats in gauze, you will need 2 disposable plates of different diameters. In the one that is larger, you need to make small holes in the bottom (for example, with a needle), and then install this plate on a smaller one. Thus, you create a semblance of a pot and planter. We put gauze moistened with water at the bottom of a large plate, pour seeds on it (as in the previous method, pre-soaked for 50-60 minutes), cover with wet gauze on top. We cover everything with cling film, spray the greenhouse every day. We remove the film when the sprouts begin to hatch.
You can germinate seeds on non-woven napkins, on cotton wool, in an ordinary jar and even on paper. Just remember that when planted in the ground, grass for cats will grow longer, as there are more nutrients in the ground.
January 26 2021
Updated: February 13, 2021