Glossostigma povoynichkovaya, scientific name Glossostigma elatinoides. Comes from Australia and New Zealand. It has been used in the aquarium trade relatively recently since the 1980s, but has already become one of the most popular plants among professionals working in the nature aquarium style. Glossostigma owes its spread to Takashi Amano, who first applied it in his works.
Plant care is quite complicated and is hardly within the power of a novice aquarist. For normal growth, specialized fertilizers and artificial carbon dioxide management will be required. Despite the fact that the plant grows at the bottom, it needs a high level of lighting, which must be taken into account when placing in an aquarium.
Tiny and compact rosette plant (up to 3 cm), growing in dense clusters. A short stem is crowned with bright green rounded leaves. Under favorable conditions, oxygen bubbles can form on their surface as a result of active photosynthesis. It grows quickly, several bunches planted side by side, in a few weeks form a thick, even carpet. The leaves overlap each other and from above begin to resemble something similar to a green shell.