Fenech content at home: acquaintance, care and feeding
Exotic pets in the house are no longer a rarity. Greater preference is given to wild animals. Phoenixes are becoming more and more popular, but due to the high cost, few can afford such a miracle. The main thing is to understand that the animals will not behave like domestic cats. Yes, they are not indifferent to caresses and games, but those who lived in the wild have their own rules. Before you get a fox, information about where and how he lives in nature is useful.
Fennec: what kind of animal is this?
Fenech is a small fox that lives in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. Compared to a cat, this animal is smaller in size. The weight of the animal reaches 1,5 kg, grow up to 40 cm in length.
Among predators, the fennec fox has the largest ears, in relation to the volume of the head. Ears of this size are necessary for the fox to survive in the desert. Firstly, the animal hears any movements and rustles well of its prey. Secondly, the ears serve as a thermoregulator: the blood vessels are close to the skin and relieve the body of excess heat. And fluff on the feet helps the fennec fox to move along the hot sand.
Fenechs live in mink families, digging for itself a lot of moves. After the birth of the cubs, the mother fox takes care of them, not letting the male into the hole. It remains for him to provide them with food.
They feed on plant roots and their fruits, insects, carrion, bird eggs and small vertebrates. Animals can live without water for a very long time.getting the moisture it needs from food.
This is how Fenechs live in the wild. And for those who want to keep such a fox at home, it will be useful to learn how to behave with an animal, how to feed it and how to care for it.
Creating comfortable conditions for the fennec chanterelle
To properly care for a fennec fox at home, it is important to know about its natural features. They do not tolerate bright sunlight, and in the desert they hide in holes and get out only closer to dusk.
They sleep quietly during the day, and at night they are able to arrange a real pogrom. They run, they are constantly looking for something, they show an increased interest in everything. Besides fennecs are excellent diggers, and sensing danger, they quickly burrow into the sand as if they were not there.
For this reason, you will have to allocate a place where the pet could frolic with sand. If this is not done, he will try to dig a tunnel in the sofa and in the floor. And even be able to build a mink from the master’s things. And if he finds a bag with something loose, he will try to take it all over the house. Moreover, this fox likes to climb onto the table, throw things from there, thereby making a lot of noise and disorder.
Fenech is still a wild animal and leaving it alone in an apartment is not always safe. A good solution would be to buy a cage. Let it be a spacious aviary so that there is where to frolic in the absence of the owner.
A restless fox wants to explore everything that surrounds it. Here are the main caveats:
- Locking windows and doors, a runaway Fenech will not be easy to find.
- Move breakable objects as high as possible.
- Hide the wires, the fox will not resist, so as not to gnaw them.
- To heat the room as best as possible, a heat-loving animal can easily get sick, and it is not easy to treat it.
- Avoid sudden movements and screams in the presence of a pet (phoenixes are shy and sensitive, and loud noises will damage his hearing).
What to feed the fennec fox?
A healthy appearance of a fox is impossible without proper nutrition. Fenech is a picky animal, its menu is quite diverse. Vegetables and fruits are an indispensable part of the daily diet. It is better not to feed the pet from the general table, but to cook cereals with lean meat for him. Already adult pets can be given a little boiled chicken breast. And do not forget to indulge in insects, small rodents and lizards.
Experienced breeders know one more thing favorite delicacy of fox cubs – figs and dates. And as the main complementary foods, dog food with vegetables is suitable.
Over time, it will become clear in what kind of food the animal does not have a soul. By the way, they eat quail eggs with great pleasure.
6 notes to the future owner
- Homemade, Fenech will not immediately. A fox can make friends with cats and dogs, but not always right away. Sometimes a person is his only friend. Like any pet, care and attention is important to him.
- With patience, you can teach the fennec fox to sleep at night. This is not so fast, but the experience of breeders confirms this fact.
- The animal has a long coat and needs to be combed regularly with a special comb for dogs or cats. There will be no problems with this, the fox really likes this procedure. In addition, it brings together the owner and his cute pet.
- Fenech will need a toilet. For this purpose, a cat tray is suitable. Fortunately, the fox quickly understands what is required of him, and, to the delight of the owner, stops marking the territory. They make such notes – Fenech boys, but they are less eccentric. Girls, when frightened, emit a specific smell and behave more capriciously.
- In the cold season, going out for a walk, the fenech will have to be well dressed so that he does not catch a cold. And in winter, it is completely worth abandoning fresh air, otherwise the pet will freeze and may die.
- Rabies vaccination is done once a year. Great luck to find a specialist who knows the features of fennecs. Such veterinarians are rare.
You have to be prepared for what these chanterelles chirp almost non-stop. Yes, they communicate with each other. A loving owner will get used to this over time, and will never regret that such restless and cheerful animals live in his house.