Feather loss in parrots

Feather loss in parrots

Feather loss in parrots considered one of the most common bird diseases. 

Causes and treatments for feather loss in parrots 

  1. Shedding: periodic (2 times a year) and juvenile (occurs at 3-4 months, lasts about 2 months). The parrot needs enhanced nutrition, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Medical (allergies, trauma, hormonal failure). It usually manifests itself throughout the body of the bird at once, it may be accompanied by itching and pulling out of the remaining feathers. In case of hormonal failure, you need to either pick up a pair for the bird, or contact a veterinarian who will recommend special preparations.
  3. Physical (bacterial and viral infections, parasites and fungi). As a rule, the tail goes bald first, and then the whole body. Often there are sores, scabs and peeling. You need to contact your veterinarian.
  4. Boredom and stress (moving, changing owners, loud noise, repairs, fear, the appearance of other animals, etc.) They can cause shock molting when feathers fall out in bunches. Help: increased nutrition, warming up under a lamp, rest.
  5. Ecology: cramped cage, too dry or smoky air or use of air fresheners, poor lighting (fluorescent lights or flickering lamps),
  6. Improper maintenance (unbalanced nutrition or illiterate care). Balance the feed, add carrots, egg yolk and apples. Clean the cage, all fixtures, normalize the temperature and humidity level in the room. And strictly follow the recommendations of the veterinarian!

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