Echinodorus «Renny»
Echinodorus ‘Reni’, commercial name Echinodorus ‘Reni’. An artificially bred variety based on Echinodorus ocelot and another hybrid of Echinodorus “Big Bear”. It was bred in 2003 in the ZooLogiCa nursery (Altlandsberg, Germany) by breeder Thomas Kaliebe.
The plant forms a compact bush from leaves collected in a rosette. Under favorable conditions, the bush can grow up to 40 cm and 15–25 cm wide. The height is largely determined by the size of the aquarium. In large tanks it is large, in small tanks it is compact, so it can be used both in the foreground and in the background. Leaf blades are long and wide (up to 8 cm) linear in shape. Petioles up to 10 cm. Young leaves are reddish-brown to beet-colored. The old ones lose their red hues, becoming green.
Echinodorus “Reni” is quite capricious when grown. In order for the plant to show its best colors, a lot of light and the introduction of additional nutrition (fertilizers) will be required, while the hydrochemical composition of water and temperature do not have significant knowledge.