Dog Fitness: Exercise

Dog Fitness: Exercise

Physical development is an important part of a dog’s well-being. You may be surprised, but there is even such a direction as dog fitness (fitness for dogs). What is it, why is it needed and what exercises can be offered to a pet?

Alas, these days many dogs suffer from physical inactivity (lack of movement). And this, in turn, is fraught with obesity and related health problems. But even if the dog has free range, this is not a guarantee of a correct, balanced load. Fitness, on the other hand, allows you to improve the condition of the dog (including emotional), provide the right load and even prevent diseases (or help get rid of them).

Dog Fitness: Exercise

There are simple exercises that you and your dog can do even at home.

One of the options is exercises on balancing pillows. They can be human, it is important that the dog is safe on them.

First of all, you teach the dog to get on the balance pads, stand on them with his front paws, hind legs, or all four. This in itself “turns on” the muscles of your four-legged friend.

When the dog can stand for 5 seconds with its front paws on the balancing pad without shifting, you can complicate the task: ask it to take a step to the side with its hind legs (as if starting to describe a circle).

You can ask your dog to move from one balance pad to another and back again.

Another exercise: a bow, when the front paws remain on the balance pad. At first, this may not be a full bow, but at least a slight lowering of the elbows. Gradually, your pet will be capable of more. This exercise engages the back and shoulder muscles.

Each exercise is repeated no more than 2-3 times. After each exercise, pause and offer your pet, for example, to make turns around its axis to relieve stress associated with the load.

Of course, the dog should not be forced to exercise. You can use treats as a guide, but never use physical force to drag dogs onto or hold them there.

It is also important to carefully observe the dog and stop the activity on time to avoid overexertion and injury.

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