Dog breeds that look like cubs

Dog breeds that look like cubs

What breeds of dogs look like cubs? There are many of them, and everyone wants to cuddle. So what are these breeds, whose representatives resemble charming bears?

Chow Chow

All dogs are classified by breed. The Chinese breed dog, similar to a bear cub, belongs to the Spitz group. Her temper is independent, and sometimes stubborn. Chow Chows are wary of strangers and other dogs, although without aggression. In their family, they are friendly and affectionate, but they tend to consider one person as authority, and they do not like to obey the rest. Therefore, a professional training course is required for Chow Chow.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the breed is a purple or even almost black tongue. Judges at exhibitions even separately pay attention to its color. According to Chinese legend, a unique feature appeared due to the fact that the Chow Chow licked a shard of the sky that fell to the ground. The version of scientists is not so romantic, but also interesting: probably, a dog that looked like a bear once lived in the Arctic and acquired this mutation due to the lack of oxygen characteristic of the region.

Pomeranian Spitz

A small and very fluffy dog, outwardly resembling a bear cub, appeared in Pomerania – in the south of the Baltic Sea. However, her ancestors, most likely, were sled dogs of the Far North. From them, miniature Spitz inherited a long thick coat, vigor and courage. Representatives of the breed are sociable and playful, but at the same time unobtrusive. They are very devoted to their owners and willingly learn all sorts of commands and tricks.

Interestingly, not all Pomeranian bear cubs resemble. There are three types of their muzzle: bear, fox and toy. In childhood, everyone looks like teddy bears, but how a puppy will grow up becomes clear closer to a year, even if both of his parents have a bearish type of head shape.

Tibetan mastiff

Small dogs that look like cubs are, of course, great. But Tibetan mastiffs also resemble these forest animals in size. Phlegmatic balanced giants can reach a weight of 70-80 kg, and due to the voluminous thick coat they look even more impressive. Tibetan Mastiffs make excellent watchdogs and are happy to take care of small children.

This huge dog, similar to a giant bear, has an unusual voice. Deaf guttural barking is considered an important feature of the breed. The famous traveler Marco Polo, who visited Tibet, compared it with the roar of a lion.



This dog looks not just like a bear, but like a polar bear. And this is our only compatriot in the review: the homeland of Samoyeds is the northern regions of Russia. Like all breeds that were once sled dogs, these dogs are very energetic, need long walks and serious physical exertion. At the same time, Samoyeds are “talkative”, love to be the center of attention, and are friendly to all people and other pets.

By the way, a “smiling” dog that looks like a bear cub does not have to be snow-white. The breed standard allows for a warm, creamy coat. And the rarest color is white with biscuit spots.



Another bear-like dog appeared on the Canadian island of Newfoundland. Strong hardy helpers of local fishermen have acquired a unique combination of character traits: they are devoid of hunting instinct and aggression towards people, but they are excellent at making independent decisions. Newfoundlands like outdoor games, communication, travel. They are very curious and attached to all family members.

Between the fingers, these dogs have swimming membranes – just like beavers or ducks. And all because Newfoundlands just love to swim. No wonder in Russia the breed received a second name – “diver”.

What other breed is amazingly cute? There are a lot of dog breeds in the world, among which you can meet the ideal four-legged companion. He may not look like a bear, but he will be a one hundred percent favorite family member.


See also:

Dog breeds that look like wolves

Dog Breed Classifications

How many dog ​​breeds are there?




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