Dog breeds for introverts
Selection and Acquisition

Dog breeds for introverts

And these different introverts may like and desire completely different dogs. And let them! Citizens of introverts, you can get any dogs, but you must take into account some conditions.

The first condition is that the dog is work. And hard work. Especially in the first year of a dog’s life. It is only later, when you gather plenty of poop, wipe puddles, get wet in the rain and educate, then the dog will become happiness. Then your walks will become a comfortable pastime, because a well-mannered and adult dog does not cause trouble and does not particularly distract. This young and ill-mannered dog is both a tornado, a tsunami, a flood, an earthquake, and sometimes a fire to boot.

Dog breeds for introverts

I postulate: a well-bred and adult dog with the right exercise both in the apartment and on the street does not cause problems, regardless of breed.

The second condition is the very correct exercise. That is, dogs need to be walked. At least two hours a day. More is better. With insufficient exercise, complications in the human-canine relationship are possible, and the dog can become a burden. So, if you want to get yourself someone who will regularly take you for a walk with manic stubbornness, get a dog. But if you’re an introverted stay-at-home type, it’s best to get a cat.

The third condition: when choosing a dog, consider your attitude to physical activity. If you are one of the more balanced introverts and do not tolerate fuss, that is, if you like lying down more than sitting, and you like sitting more than standing, then get a dog from balanced and phlegmatic breeds with low requirements for physical activity.

And vice versa: if you think that a decent introvert should go in for sports or at least jog, get a dog that will help you with this (from service and sports). By the way, you can also do dog sports, some kind of agility, frisbee or some other kind.

Dog breeds for introverts

And fourth… It’s not even a condition, it’s more of a problem. This is me about those introverts who are the most introverts, that is, they really do not like when they are distracted. About those who are looking for loneliness in companies. About those who do not like to communicate. On the one hand, there are breeds of dogs that are not very emotional, do not require love from the owner and are not very sociable themselves. For example, breeds such as Shiba Inu, Chow Chow, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Basset Hound and Shar Pei. With proper upbringing, such dogs remind of themselves only when they want to eat or take a walk, and on a walk they follow the shadow, quietly going about their dog life. The problem is that most of the dog lovers that inhabit our planet are sociable people to the point of importunity. I deal with this every time I walk!

Thus, when you go outside with your dog, you will inevitably attract the attention of other dogs and their owners who do not know that you are an introvert. They believe that you are as crazy as they are, and are ready to tell everyone they meet, transversely, how your dog sneezed today, how many hiccups and barked about.

Dog breeds for introverts

Do you, an introvert, need it?

There is, of course, a way out. Even two. First, don’t get a dog. The second is to get a dog of such a breed that both people and dogs will either be afraid or embarrassed to approach.

As a conclusion, I want to say that no matter how introverted you are, you will definitely find a dog that suits you. There are over 500 registered dog breeds in the world! There are plenty to choose from!

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