Do ferrets smell?

Do ferrets smell?

Ferrets are very active, playful and social pets, but many people give up on the idea of ​​getting one because of the bad smell. But do ferrets really smell bad, and why? Let’s figure it out.

“You don’t need to have ferrets in the apartment, they smell!” You have probably heard this phrase at least once. And from people who have never had a ferret in their lives. Because the owners of ferrets, and other pets, are well aware that in practice everything depends on the quality of care for their pet.

Do ferrets smell that bad? Think about how a groomed dog will smell? Or what smell will appear in the apartment if the cat’s tray is not removed in a timely manner? – Certainly not a flower! The same is the case with ferrets. The pungent smell does not come from the pet itself, but from the contaminated bedding in its cage (or from the uncleaned places where the ferret relieves). But if you monitor the hygiene of the pet and its home, the unpleasant smell will not bother you.

However, it cannot be denied that ferrets have a specific musky smell. But one can argue about whether it is unpleasant. Everyone is different, and like all existing fragrances, musky notes can appeal to some and not at all to others. Fortunately, as practice shows, there are more of the former, because with proper care, the specific smell of a ferret is barely caught.

Do not forget that bathing a ferret more than 1-2 times every three months is not recommended! Frequent bathing will not help to get rid of the smell, but will only contribute to its more intensive development, and will also negatively affect the condition of the pet’s coat and skin. Therefore, it is optimal to bathe the ferret once every 1 months with a special shampoo for ferrets, and if the ferret gets dirty, remove the dirt locally.

Do ferrets smell?

Discussing our topic, it is also necessary to say about the smell from the paraanal glands of the ferret (funyalka), which is really very strong and sharp. But … you have to try hard to feel it! Ferrets use funyalki only in emergency situations: when they are very scared or very excited. This smell is really pungent, but it disappears very quickly, and therefore does not cause any special problems. By the way, there are special operations for the removal of funials, which, according to many experts, is unjustified rigidity and risk. Unfortunately, postoperative complications occur quite often – and, you see, it is hardly worth it.

In a word, a light musky smell from a ferret is the only thing you will have to face with proper pet care. The main thing is to change the bedding in a timely manner (at least once a day) and regularly monitor the cleanliness of the cage. And we are talking not only about the toilet of the ferret, but also about the remnants of food, etc. Ferrets tend to store food, and therefore you need to strictly ensure that nothing rots in the bins of the little animal.

If your ferret marks territory or misses his needs from time to time, special products (such as 8in1 Stain and Odor Remover) will help to deal with the smell and stains. Good products completely eliminate the smell from a contaminated surface: be it the floor, furniture, things, etc. This is very important, because. the mark of the ferret will be removed, and the next time the animal will not recognize the place of the fault and will not rush to “guilty” again.

Do ferrets smell?

Of course, if you are not going to breed, it is better to castrate (neuter) the ferret. Such a measure will help to avoid many behavioral problems, including marking the territory.

Ideal helpers in the fight against the smell of excrement are special feeds for ferrets with yucca schidigera extract. The natural properties of this plant help to naturally neutralize unpleasant odors.

Now we know that the ferret actually smells like musk, and unpleasant odors are the consequences of improper care and maintenance. So if you’ve always dreamed about this amazing pet, but worried about his “perfume”, it’s time to change your mind!

In general, ferrets are amazing animals that, if anything, smell of cheerfulness and happiness! 

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