Do cats know their names?
Cat Behavior

Do cats know their names?

Japanese scientists conducted a study, the results of which were published in Scientific Reports. About 80 cats participated in it, and the researchers evaluated their reactions to nicknames and other similar-sounding words. As a result, it turned out that cats react more actively to their nickname. But in doing so, they are more likely to simply associate their names with something good (like a treat or praise) or bad (with a curse for bad behavior), but do not understand that their names are attached to them.

“There is no evidence that cats are self-aware like we are, so their understanding of their names is different from ours.” notes one of the authors of the study, Atsuko Saito.

Is it possible in this case to somehow influence the fact that the cat responds better to its name? Of course. Try not to use the pet’s name when you scold him for something so that he does not associate his nickname with something negative. And vice versa: when you praise a cat or treat it to something, be sure to call it by its name.

Also, do not forget that if you are just choosing a nickname for a cat, then it is best to stop at a short word that has hissing or whistling sounds. It will be easier for the pet to remember such a word, which means that it will respond better to it.

And if you are worried that your cat is ignoring its name when you call it, then remember that your pet may have its own reasons for this – for example, at this moment your cat is busy with something more interesting, so it does not consciously react to your calls. And the problem is not at all that she does not know her name, but that you called her at the wrong moment.

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