Dmitry and Gera

Dmitry and Gera


The story of the girl Gerochka is simple to the point of banality. Kind and affectionate, she was on the street at the age of 7 months.Dmitry and GeraNo one was looking for her: posts were posted on social networks for about 2 weeks, but no one responded. We followed her movements on the Internet and hoped that the old owner would appear or a new owner would appear. She was seen in many places: in the Shabany industrial zone, then on Partizansky Prospekt. The last message said that some girl took the dog when Gerunya threw herself under the cars. The decision after that was made instantly. October 26, 2016 Gerochka found a home and a new family.Dmitry and GeraKors Savushka accepted her immediately, but she did not remain in debt either: she looked after him after the operation. It was a very touching moment. The mischievous and playful Gerunya does not let the whole family get bored.Dmitry and GeraGera has completed the OKD course and considers herself a certified lady. 🙂 In a word, her life was a success. She knows that she has a family where she is loved.Dmitry and GeraPeople, help our smaller brothers! You won’t change the world, but the world will change for a rescued dog!The photos were taken by Tatyana Prokopchik especially for the project “Two legs, four paws, one heart”.


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