Aquarium Fish Species


Rasbora fish belong to the genus of the same name of the Karpov family. Widely distributed in Asia, several species are also found on the African continent. In the aquarium trade, the most popular representatives are from Southeast Asia.


This group of fish is quite modest in size (up to 10 cm) and among them there are a large number of real dwarfs – up to 2-x centimeters in length. Despite the species diversity, they have a similar body shape, and red and silver colors dominate in color. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. External differences between males and females are insignificant.


  • Easy to keep and breed
  • Small in size and suitable for small aquariums
  • Compatible with many other fish of similar size and temperament


Rasboras are gregarious and peaceful species. However, nothing else can be expected from such miniature creatures. It is recommended to keep at least 8 individuals in a group, in this case, the more the better. Given their small size, the choice of neighbors should be treated with great attention. Good compatibility is achieved with other non-aggressive species of comparable size. Whereas any sufficiently large or overly active fish will pose a threat.


Many generations of these fish are kept in an artificial environment and during this time have successfully adapted to life in aquariums. May be kept in small tanks, so-called nano aquariums with a volume of only 20-30 liters. The format doesn’t really matter. For example, in pet stores, when they are sold, they are practically empty containers without any decor and this does not bother them in any way. However, in a home aquarium it is recommended to use dense thickets of aquatic plants, as in natural reservoirs. In addition, the vegetation cover will be a good shelter, if suddenly fish neighbors frightened away by little Rasbor. This can often happen during spawning periods.

Not demanding on the conditions of detention. It is quite enough to regularly maintain the aquarium (cleaning, changing part of the water, preventive maintenance of equipment) and supply quality food of a suitable size. Capable of accepting exclusively dry foods such as flakes or granules.


In favorable conditions, the fish will give offspring quite often. However, in a community aquarium environment, juveniles rarely grow to adulthood. The thing is that Rasbor lacks parental instincts. Immediately after the end of spawning, they eat eggs and fry that have appeared, and those that can survive will begin to experience a lack of food. To preserve the eggs, a separate spawning aquarium is usually used, where the juveniles are completely safe. But the problem of providing suitable products remains – microscopic powdered food is required, purchased separately.

Brilliant Rasbora

Shiny Rasbora, scientific name Rasbora einthovenii, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

dwarf rasbora

Dwarf rasbora, scientific name Boraras maculatus, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Cottellata Britannia

Kottelata Brittani, scientific name Kottelatia brittani, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Red-nosed Rasbora

Red-nosed Rasbora or Sawbwa, scientific name Sawbwa resplendens, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Redbanded Rasbora

Redbanded Rasbora, scientific name Trigonopoma pauciperforatum, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Redtail Rasbora

Red-tailed or Black-banded Rasbora, scientific name Rasbora borapetensis, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Fiery Rasbora

Fire Rasbora, scientific name Rasboroides vaterifloris, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

striped rasbora

Striped Rasbora or Indian Rasbora, scientific name Rasbora daniconius, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora Harlequin

Rasbora Harlequin, scientific name Trigonostigma heteromorpha, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Brigitte Rasbora

Brigitta’s rasbora, scientific name Boraras brigittae, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Dorsinota spoke

Rasbora Dorsinotata, scientific name Rasbora dorsinotata, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora Duson

Rasbora Duson, scientific name Rasbora dusonensis, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora tiny

Rasbora tiny, scientific name Boraras micros, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora Measures

Rasbora Merah, scientific name Boraras merah, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora Nevus

Rasbora Nevus or Strawberry Rasbora, scientific name Boraras naevus, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

rasbora piedtail

Rasbora variegated, scientific name Rasbora caudimaculata, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora spotted dorsal

Spotted rasbora, scientific name Brevibora dorsiocellata, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Analysis of Firefly

Rasbora firefly, scientific name Boraras urophthalmoides, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora somphongsi

Rasbora somphongsi, scientific name Trigonostigma somphongsi, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora slim

Rasbora slender, scientific name Trigonopoma gracile, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora Tornieri

Rasbora Tornieri, scientific name Rasbora tornieri, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbor Hengel

Luminous Rasbora or Rasbora Hengel, scientific name Trigonostigma hengeli, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Rasbora Chiya

Rasbora Chiya, scientific name Brevibora cheeya, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Analysis of espes

Rasbora espes or False rasbora harlequin, scientific name Trigonostigma espei, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Three Line Rasbora

Trilinear Rasbora, scientific name Rasbora trilineata, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

Elegant Rasbora

Elegant Rasbora, scientific name Rasbora elegans, belongs to the family Cyprinidae

rasbora the clown

Disputes Rasbora clownfish, scientific name Rasbora kalochroma, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

Rasbora simple

Rasbora simple, scientific name Rasbora rasbora, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

Fish Ezomus

Esomus fish, scientific name Esomus thermoicos, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

Mesh Rasbora

Reticulated Rasbora, scientific name Rasbora reticulata, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (cyprinids)

rasbora volcano

Disputes Rasbora volcano, scientific name Rasbora vulcanus, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

Rasbora two-lane

Disputes Rasbora two-banded, scientific name Rasbora cephalotaenia, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

Debate of the Baboons

Rasbora Paviana, scientific name Rasbora paviana, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

Rasbora Bankanensis

Rasbora Bankanensis, scientific name Rasbora bankanensis, belongs to the family Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

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