Diary of a puppy

Diary of a puppy

You have adopted a puppy, started raising and training it, and are thinking about how to make this process more efficient. And here the puppy diary will come to your aid. What is it and why is it needed? Let’s figure it out.

First of all, you can write down various veterinary “reminders” there. When they were vaccinated, they gave an anthelmintic, treated for fleas and ticks, visited the veterinarian, what were the results of the analysis (if they passed). Not all of this can be recorded in a veterinary passport.

You can write down dates and grooming details if you do.

And the puppy’s diary will also help you track what events happen in his life, how his behavior is formed, how reactions change, and what success you have achieved in raising and training your pet.

You can record aspects of cleanliness training. Were there puddles at home? Every day – or were there “dry” days? How many times a day? Were there heaps at home? Is it every day? And how many times a day? Be sure to correlate this with the feeding and walking schedule.

Diary of a puppy

What unpleasant procedures did you accustom a puppy to on a given day? How much time was spent on this? What are the successes? Perhaps you managed to cut off the first claw? Or even all on one foot? Did you touch the comb to the fur or were you able to brush it a couple of times, and the puppy remained calm?

How is socialization going? With whom and / or what did you manage to introduce the puppy on this or that day? What was his reaction? How did he behave later? Are you able to walk enough time? How many times per walk or on how many walks did the puppy have the opportunity to communicate with relatives?

What commands did you teach your puppy – today, yesterday, last week? How is the training going? What stage are you at?

What difficulties do you face? How do you solve them (on your own or with the help of a specialist)? And what are the results of your actions?

It is very important to write down objective indicators, and not “today everything was fine” or “yesterday was a terrible day.” This will help you track your progress. And such a fixation is extremely important when it seems that nothing is working out for you, and your hands are ready to fall. You look at the diary and you will understand that everything is going very well.

That is why it is better to call this diary – “Diary of success.”

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