Deworming puppies
Domestic puppies are quite often infected with worms, even if they have never left the apartment. How does infection occur? Parasites enter the body of babies in different ways: helminth eggs can be present in contaminated food, they can be brought into the house by the owner on his shoes or clothes. Also, if the puppy’s mother is dewormed, her offspring will also be infected.
Severe helminthic invasion in newborn puppies is, unfortunately, not uncommon. And if you bought a puppy from your hands or picked it up on the street, deworming is one of the first steps you should take. But even if the puppy is taken from a good kennel and no symptoms indicate an invasion, deworming should be carried out as a preventive measure about once a quarter. Do not forget that it is much easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences.
Worms in a puppy: symptoms
What are the signs of worms in a puppy?
These are various digestive disorders, stool disorders, nausea, bloating, weakness, weight loss, dull hair, etc. Symptoms can appear both in droves and individually. With severe ingestion, parasites and their eggs come out with feces or vomit.
The difficulty lies in the fact that the symptoms of helminthic invasion may not appear until there are too many parasites. By this time, the puppy’s body will be greatly weakened by the waste products of parasites, and various infectious diseases will most likely join the helminthic invasion.
The fact is that the waste products of parasites disrupt the immune system, and it can no longer fully resist irritants.
That is why 10-14 days before vaccination, puppies must be dewormed. Otherwise, the weakened body will not be able to respond correctly to the introduction of the vaccine and develop immunity to the causative agent of the disease.
10 days before vaccination, the puppy must be dewormed!
How to remove worms from a puppy?
How to deworm a puppy? Is it necessary to visit a veterinary clinic for this? No, you can do everything yourself, right at home. All you need is a puppy deworming drug, as well as attention and a little skill.
Many puppies refuse to take a pill to the last, and so that your venture does not turn into a life-and-death battle, use special pill dispensers. You can read more about them in our other article “”.
The first deworming of a puppy is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks of age and weighs at least 0,5 kg. For the procedure to be safe, it is necessary to choose the appropriate anthelmintic. This means that tablets for adult dogs will not work for you. The packaging of the drug should indicate that it is intended specifically for puppies.
Strictly follow the instructions for use and carefully calculate the dosage depending on the weight of your puppy. Please note that different drugs work in different ways. Read in the instructions whether one dose of the drug is enough or whether a second dose is required, at what time you need to give the pill (before or after meals). Only in this way will deworming be effective, and your pet’s health will not be harmed.
Now you know what to do if your puppy has worms. And also know that the absence of symptoms of invasion does not mean that it does not exist.
Preventive deworming is an important part of caring for your pet, which allows you to maintain his health and which should never be neglected.