Dangerous breed: which dogs can bite the owner
Selection and Acquisition

Dangerous breed: which dogs can bite the owner

Dangerous breed: which dogs can bite the owner

For experienced dog breeders, it has long been no secret that Central Asian Shepherd Dogs do not see well in the dark. These dogs, even at dusk, rely entirely on their sense of smell, which does not always work 100%. In a semi-dark room or on an unlit section of the street, the owner of such a pet runs the risk of being bitten. The older the dog, the higher the risk. 

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog, which also does not have perfect vision, can cause a lot of problems to its owner. Despite the fact that representatives of this breed are very intellectually developed, in the dark they rely on the sense of smell. In order not to have to get involved in a fight with their own pet, dog breeders are recommended to call out to him at night, approaching the pet. 

Dangerous breed: which dogs can bite the owner

The Moscow watchdog is suspicious. The dog very slowly gets used to the person, and at this time it is recommended to be careful with it. Subsequently, the pet will definitely study the smell of its owner, but for the first time it is advised to keep it away from children.

A cross between a dog and a wolf – a wolfdog – is driven by wild instincts that can work at the most inopportune moment. Especially in the dark, without recognizing the appearance or voice of the owner, the pet can rush into a fight.

The Pyrenean Mastiff terribly does not like being suddenly awakened. A dog that does not have all the senses in the first seconds of awakening may regard the rise as a danger and rush at the first comer. However, experts assure that if its owner is in the way of the pet, the animal will quickly come to its senses.

Dangerous breed: which dogs can bite the owner

Finally, the German Shepherd becomes dangerous in old age. The dog’s sight, smell and hearing begin to fail, so that one day it may not recognize the owner, there is no nonsense. Animals at a respectable age must be called louder than before, and before they recognize a person, you should not turn your back on them.

March 30 2020

Updated: April 7, 2020

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