Corridor concolor
Corydoras concolor or Cory unicolor, scientific name Corydoras concolor, belongs to the Callichthyidae family. The name of the catfish indicates the uniformity of its color – gray. The fish is native to South America from the Orinoco River basin. The natural habitat is limited to the western provinces of Venezuela.
Adult individuals reach a length of 5–6 cm. As noted above, the main color is gray, the fins and tail have a bronze tint. On the body, especially behind the gill cover, greenish reflections may appear. Under certain lighting, a dark diagonal stroke is noticeable on the head, passing through the eyes.
Brief information:
- The volume of the aquarium – from 70 liters.
- Temperature – 20-26°C
- Value pH — 5.5–7.0
- Water hardness – soft (1-10 dGH)
- Substrate type – sand or gravel
- Lighting – moderate or bright
- Brackish water – no
- Water movement – light or moderate
- The size of the fish is 5–6 cm.
- Food – any sinking food
- Temperament – peaceful
- Keeping in a group of 4-6 fish
Maintenance and care
An unpretentious and easy to keep fish, if the following conditions are met: clean water with low concentrations of contaminants, high-quality balanced food and the absence of aggressive territorial neighbors in the aquarium.
Catfish prefer to stay in a pack. For a small group of 4-6 individuals, a tank of 70 liters or more will be required. The design is arbitrary and is selected at the discretion of the aquarist or based on the needs of other fish. The main attention should be paid to the bottom layer. It is advisable to use coarse sand soil. Fine gravel is a good alternative. It is worth providing several shelters in the form of snags, thickets of plants or other natural or artificial decor.
High water quality is ensured by the uninterrupted operation of the installed equipment, primarily the filtration system, and regular aquarium maintenance procedures, such as weekly replacement of part of the water with fresh water and the timely removal of organic waste (food residue, excrement).
Food. An omnivorous species, it will accept most dry foods (flakes, granules), as well as live or frozen foods (bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp). Since catfish spend a significant part of their lives at the bottom, the food must be sinking.
behavior and compatibility. Corydoras concolor has a peaceful, calm disposition, gets along well with relatives and other fish of a comparable size.