Chinese hamster is a rare pet

Charming rodents, somewhat reminiscent of a mouse or a rat, are called “Chinese hamster”. These are cute active kids that can be kept at home. They are distinguished by shyness and good-natured disposition, therefore they are suitable for the role of pets.
Some breeders note that Chinese hamsters bear a significant resemblance to mice. They are easily recognizable due to their characteristic coloration, body structure and tail length.
There are 3 typical varieties of color:
- standard – brown body color with a light belly and a dark stripe along the back;
- spotted – also has a stripe, six is distinguished by a mixture of white and gray shades;
- white – the variety is characterized by black eyes.
The body length of the “Chinese” is comparable to other types of rodents – from 7,5 to 12 cm. Large sizes are characteristic of males. Legs are significantly longer. The front ones are four-fingered, the back ones have 5 fingers. The muzzle is distinguished by expressiveness and distinct cheek pouches.

Lifestyle features
The natural habitat of this species is Mongolia and the northern regions of China. Chinese hamsters spend most of their lives in burrows that they leave for a very short time. The period of main activity falls on the night time of the day – the animals wake up after sunset, but in captivity they sometimes change to a daytime “lifestyle”.
Like many representatives of the species, the “Chinese” see poorly, but they hear perfectly and have a sharp sense of smell. The long tail helps to climb vertical objects and jump well. The speed of movement is extremely high, so rodents are difficult to catch.
Living in the wild, animals feed on cereals and insects. They tend to live alone, but when kept at home, it is possible to combine 2 individuals of different sexes in one cage, provided that they have known each other from a young age.
Homemade content
Animals are excellent pets, however, when deciding to have such a pet, a number of maintenance features should be taken into account:
- It is not recommended to introduce a new rodent to a group that has developed due to a long existence together;
- Pregnant females show aggression towards “husbands”, so there should be many shelters-houses in the cage for future fathers;
- When buying a cage, you should pay attention to the frequency of the bars: babies can easily crawl through wide gaps. An effective alternative for placing a pet is an aquarium made of plastic or glass;
- It is necessary to provide rodents with devices for running and active games – the animals are unable to sit still, and besides, they are extremely curious. You will need wheels and various objects for study, placed in the habitat;
- The basis of the “Chinese” diet is specialized mixtures of cereals with the addition of vegetables. Sometimes you should diversify the menu with crickets or small portions of chicken meat;
- Cubs, elderly individuals and females during the feeding period will benefit from milk porridge;
- This variety is especially susceptible to the development of diabetes, so sweets should be completely excluded.
Breeding rodents at home is notable for significant difficulties, so a few breeders undertake this. The reproductive period in rodents begins at 60 laziness, but lasts a short time. The duration of pregnancy is from 18 to 21 days. With proper home care, a Chinese hamster can live up to 3 years. Their activity and curiosity turn the animals into funny creatures that are interesting to watch. Friendliness and affection allows you to often take them in your arms. Such pets are able to please and touch the owners, and a reasonable approach to maintenance helps to preserve their health.
Chinese hamster
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