Chihuahua dog show

Chihuahua dog show

It’s no secret that the Chihuahua is one of the smallest dog breeds. Its weight can range from 500 grams to three kilograms. However, regardless of its weight category, a dog of this breed has a fighting and indefatigable character, and in the presence of danger is not afraid to rush into battle, even if the opponent is much larger than it.

Chihuahua dog show

It is safe to say that at present no dog exhibition is held without the participation of Chihuahua in it. And all because these dogs are very funny and have many advantages. Playful and restless, they seem to be entertaining their master without fatigue. Another important, and probably the most important, the quality of these entertaining animals is devotion to its master.

Chihuahua dog show

However, in order to prepare such a dog for the exhibition, its owner needs to work hard. The reason for this is the characteristics of the breed. As a rule, Chihuahua puppies are treated very gently, they are loved and often pampered, and therefore they grow up mostly capricious and whimsical. Therefore, if the owner intends to take part in exhibitions with his pet, the animal must be trained from early childhood. And as soon as the baby stands on its paws, it already needs to be taught to stand in an exhibition stand.

To avoid unnecessary stress, it is recommended to start classes from five seconds, with a further increase in the time the animal stays in the desired position. It is also difficult to overestimate the benefits of finding a baby among adult well-bred dogs. Given the natural receptivity, in such conditions, the training of the puppy will take place at a faster pace. In addition, do not forget to take your pet in your arms so that he gets used to communicating with people. The main thing to understand is that for an unprepared dog, such an exhibition can become a real stress, and end with a deprivation of qualification.

Chihuahua dog show

In addition to the exhibition pose and appearance of the dog, the gait of the animal also falls under the jury. The pet must learn to gracefully and solemnly walk around the ring. You will also have to spend a lot of time and effort on this, ideally you need to work out a couple of gait options with the animal, and teach the pet to change them on command. The task, of course, is not an easy one, but the reward will not keep you waiting.

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