Cat food classes
Have you adopted a cat and made the decision to feed it ready-made rations? This is definitely the right choice. The composition of ready-made feeds fully meets the needs of animals for good nutrition, moreover, you do not have to spend time preparing dinner for your purring household. There is only one important addition: in order to be useful, the food must be of really high quality. But how to understand the variety of available lines? What are cat foods and what class of food to choose?
The belonging of the food to a particular class is a visual clue for the pet owner. Knowing the characteristics of the classes, you can easily form an opinion about any line of food, just by looking at its cover.
But when choosing food, you should not limit yourself to only one class. Carefully study the composition and purpose of the line. If your cat has special needs, a tendency to allergic reactions, or if you need a functional, preventive food, choose a diet in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, carefully studying its composition.
Food for cats and dogs is usually divided into several classes: economy, premium, super premium and holistic. Let’s talk about each class in more detail: how do they differ from each other?
1. Economy class
Economy class feeds are very popular in our country. First of all, because they have the best price. At least that’s how it seems at first. In practice, such feeds have a low nutritional value. Animals do not eat them and ask for supplements all the time. As a result, the savings no longer look as impressive or even non-existent.
But the main disadvantage is that the composition of economical feeds does not meet the needs of animals for good nutrition. For the manufacture of economy-class rations, vegetable protein and a substrate from meat industry waste (damaged organs, skin, horns, etc.) are used, the content of which does not exceed 6%. Poor-quality raw materials just explain the affordable price of this product.
But such diets are even oversaturated with trans fats, which, of course, will not benefit your pet. Dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers in the composition are also common here.
In a word, if a cat is fed economical diets for a long time, serious violations of the digestive tract will not take long. And other diseases will join them, which will affect both the well-being and the appearance of your pet. And only you can decide whether such “savings” are justified.
2. Premium class
Premium feed is also made from by-products, but their share is already significantly higher – about 20%. Unfortunately, even such a share of “meat” ingredients is too small for a predator.
However, the composition of premium feeds does not include harmful ballast substances, which cannot be said about economy class rations. Although flavor enhancers and dyes are still used.
It is not uncommon for pets to become allergic to premium food. The fact is that some by-products (for example, claws, skin, etc.) can be poorly absorbed by the cat’s intestines, hence the allergic reaction. There is an interesting point: if the allergy has arisen on a premium food with chicken, this does not mean at all that the cat is really allergic to chicken. Rather, this is a reaction to a low-quality component, and good chicken feed will not cause any problems.
3. Super premium class
Super premium food is the perfect choice, where the best price is combined with excellent quality. The share of meat ingredients in the composition of such feeds is 35% or more, which corresponds to the natural needs of cats. Moreover, it is precisely high-quality components that are used: fresh and dehydrated selected meat, animal fat, etc. For example, Petreet wet super-premium food consists of about 64% of the freshest tuna meat, and also contains natural seafood, vegetables and fruits.
As it should be in predator food, meat in the super premium lines is the #1 ingredient. Of course, you will never find GMOs in the composition of such feeds. Rations fully meet European quality standards, they are nutritious and very healthy.
By itself, the super-premium class is very wide and varied. It includes a large number of lines with different tastes, grain-free, hypoallergenic lines, lines for kittens, adult and senior cats, functional, medical lines, etc. In a word, you can choose the most suitable food for your cat, with her individual needs.
The composition of each super premium line is carefully balanced. This means that your cat will not need additional vitamins and minerals, as she will receive everything she needs for proper development daily with food.
4. Holistic class
The holistic class is a kind of know-how. Such feeds are positioned as exclusively natural, but little has been written about them. Including because in practice these are, in general, the same super premium feeds, only with a new name and a higher price. For those who miss innovation – that’s it!
Now we know how different classes of food differ from each other, which means that the choice will be much easier to make.
Take care of your pets, buy only high-quality products for them, and let them be full, healthy and happy!