Canine Genetics: Nutrigenomics and the Power of Epigenetics

Canine Genetics: Nutrigenomics and the Power of Epigenetics

Ask any owner of a mysterious pooch what breeds they think their best four-legged friend is a mix of, and they’ll enthusiastically share their guesses. In fact, the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) has a website where dog lovers can test their knowledge of pet genetics and try their hand at guessing dog breed combinations. Whether you’re curious about your pet’s origins or want to know more about how to keep your pet healthy, canine genetics has the answers to your questions.

Canine Genetics: Nutrigenomics and the Power of Epigenetics

Canine DNA research

If you had a genetic map of your dog, what would you be able to learn from dog DNA? Luckily, science is hard at work studying dog genetics and learning new ways to help our furry friends become even healthier.

Nowadays, a veterinarian can easily test your dog’s DNA to see which dog breeds make up his family tree. Most doctors in veterinary clinics do not have this option. They send their samples to a lab to get the results. There are also home kits that you can use and the tests will be analyzed by geneticists in the lab. Scientists study dog ​​genetics the same way they study human DNA: by placing a sample taken from a swab behind a dog’s cheek into a machine that maps the genetic code and looks for telltale markers. Depending on the genetic testing lab your veterinarian uses, you will receive a report on your puppy’s possible parentage or other medical information.

Genetics and health

Genetics can tell us a lot about our dogs. Figuring out that your puppy is part Greyhound and part Doberman is just the tip of the iceberg. The genetic code also gives us valuable information about potential personality traits, genetic disease trends, how big your puppy can grow, and whether or not he will shed in the future.

While we know it’s not the only factor, a dog’s DNA can also predict whether a dog will develop certain health problems. Genetics can reveal whether a dog has genetic mutations that can lead to a disease, and such knowledge enables pet owners to take preventive measures to minimize potential risks. For example, MDR1 is a gene that contains a mutation that makes a dog more sensitive to certain drugs. Dogs with an MDR1 mutation can have serious adverse reactions. According to the University of Washington Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, testing your dog for an MDR1 gene mutation can help them avoid these adverse reactions.

Heredity and habitat

An easy way to understand a dog’s DNA is to think of it as the basis of your dog’s body, determining not only physical but behavioral traits as well. Historically speaking, most people believed that the genes dictated the inevitable future – if you had a genetic marker for a disease, you would get this pathology. But now we know that if the genotype contains a marker, this does not necessarily mean that the dog will develop pathology in the future.

In other words, a dog’s DNA does not dictate its fate. Discover magazine explains that the reason for this is a network of other factors called epigenetics that influence the behavior and expression of genes (turning on and off) without changing their physical makeup. Epigenetics encompasses both inherited factors that affect expression and environmental factors.

Canine Genetics: Nutrigenomics and the Power of Epigenetics

The power of epigenetics

Scientists now understand that environmental factors such as stress, infections, diet and exercise are more important in controlling gene expression than previously thought. In addition, your pet’s microbiota, the tiny microbes that live in and on it, are far more important than previously thought and are only now beginning to be understood. In humans, these factors may even affect future generations. A Swedish study in the European Journal of Human Genetics found that the grandchildren of men who ate richly during childhood were more likely to develop diabetes and heart disease due to overeating!

As with humans, a dog’s individual lifestyle and environment interact directly with its DNA to influence positive or negative epigenetic changes. Even if your puppy has the ideal genotype, factors that affect epigenetics, such as a sedentary lifestyle or poor diet, can undermine the foundation of his health. Conversely, keeping your puppy as healthy as possible can help reduce the risk of developing a problem that his breed is predisposed to.

Nutrigenomics: nutrition + genetics

This old adage is true for us and for our pets: you are what you eat. Nutrition is a powerful driver of epigenetic modification that affects your dog’s DNA. Various ingredients and nutrients have the ability to influence the activity or expression of a gene, and may even change how a genetic disease manifests itself. The study of the effect of nutrition on the genome is known as nutrigenomics. Modern science cannot provide the veterinarian with a magic formula for good health, but this is an exciting new frontier in preventive medicine for our pets.

How can you positively impact a dog’s genetic health? Do your best to positively influence epigenetic factors: reduce her stress, get her plenty of exercise, and feed her healthy food. Choosing a healthy, research-based pet food that has been extensively researched and proven to be beneficial to your puppy’s biology is a great first step. You may not be able to change her hereditary plan, but a little knowledge of genetics can help you keep your dog happy and healthy.

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