Can kittens eat fruits and berries?
We love our pets very much and often humanize them. For example, even if a kitten eats the highest quality food, we still worry: does he like to eat the same thing every day, what if he is tired of dry pellets, or maybe still feed him with vegetables? Familiar situation?
Humanizing pets, we endow them with our feelings and habits. It would be hard for us without diversity in diet, and we think the same about cats. But cats are predators, and the basis of their diet is meat. Therefore, the diet of cats is monotonous.
However, in addition to meat, cats still need other ingredients. Let’s see how it works in the wild. When a cat eats prey (a bird or a rodent), not only meat enters its body, but also all the contents of the stomach of this prey: herbs, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries, etc. A small percentage of such food is very useful for her. But does this mean that at home, you need to add plant components to special dry food or canned food? No and no again.
If you purchase a balanced ready-made food (dry or wet), the kitten does not need any other products. The composition of ready-made lines already includes all the components necessary for the baby, and additional food will only lead to imbalance and metabolic disorders. In addition, many fruits, vegetables, cereals and berries are difficult for the cat’s body to digest and pose a serious health hazard. Understanding all this and determining in what proportions to introduce products into the diet is not an easy task. That is why ready-made balanced feeds are so popular.
But what if the kitten is trying to steal a blueberry from the table? Is it really impossible to feed a child (and kittens are just like children) with fresh berries, because they contain so many vitamins? Can! Just look for a special balanced diet for kittens with berries and fruits in the composition. As a rule, these are wet diets. For example, “Chicken Marengo” for kittens (“High Cuisine Dishes” Mnyams) contains wild berries (blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries). You can give this food to your pet as a treat, the main diet, or in combination with dry food. More about this in the article “”.
The advantage of high-quality ready-made rations is in the perfect balance of components. There are exactly as many berries, fruits and cereals as a kitten needs, and the main ingredient is still meat.
Do not forget about treats: in modern pet stores you can find real delicacies for kittens that diversify their diet. The main thing is not to overdo it. Always follow the feeding norm and, if possible, purchase products within the same brand and class: they blend well with each other.
Bon appetit to your baby!