Can all dogs swim?

Can all dogs swim?

It is widely believed that all dogs can swim from birth. However, this is not the case. Such a misconception can be dangerous for your pet and even cost him his life. Can all dogs swim and is it possible to teach a four-legged friend to be a swimmer?

Can all dogs swim?

In the photo: a golden retriever swims. Photo:

Can dogs swim?

As a rule, the dog, once in the water, begins to at least try to swim like a dog. However, this does not mean that it can be sent with peace of mind to a swim, especially a long one. Also, even if your dog can swim, it doesn’t mean that he likes this type of activity and that it is safe for him.

There are breeds, most of whose representatives are good swimmers – for example, Labradors or Newfoundlands. There are breeds that find it difficult to swim: mainly short-legged dogs (such as dachshunds or bassets) and brachycephals (dogs with a shortened muzzle, such as bulldogs or pugs). But for representatives of other breeds, swimming can seem like an almost impossible task.

Remember: any dog ​​that has entered the water must be constantly monitored and, in case of danger, be ready to immediately come to the rescue. Even if your pet is an excellent swimmer, it can get cold or drown.


Can all dogs swim?

In the photo: the dog swims. Photo:

Can a dog be taught to swim?

Some success in teaching a dog to swim can be achieved, but much depends on the individual characteristics and preferences of your four-legged friend.

What exactly should not be done in an effort to teach a dog to swim is to try to drag a four-legged friend into the depths by force. Not only is it deadly, but the stress of being scared is unlikely to make your pet more enthusiastic about learning to swim. Rather, he will be even more afraid of water.

Not all dogs, even those who can swim, are willing to go into the water. And even if you have a Labrador, this does not at all guarantee that he will gladly swim across the lake. Remember that a dog cannot be forced to swim, but you can be interested.

First, walk along the shore of the reservoirand keep a close eye on your dog. If she dares to wet at least one paw, praise vigorously and reward her with something that she especially appreciates – for example, the most delicious treat or favorite toy.

Gradually you can offer (but don’t force!) the dog to enter the water deeper and deeper. Some dogs find it easier to get into the water if they have an example of another dog or a beloved owner in front of them.

Great way to teach your dog to swim use of a special vest. With it, the dog will learn the correct position of the body in the water.

Can all dogs swim?

In the photo: French Bulldogs swim in vests. Photo:

Don’t forget about the comfort of your four-legged friend. Be sure to give him the opportunity to rest in the shade and take drinking water with you.

And even if the dog loves to swim (especially in this case), do not forget about safety. Do not leave your pet unattended for a second while he is in the water! Make sure your dog doesn’t get tired. And before you let your dog into the water, make sure that there are no objects on the bottom that your pet can cut its paws on.

It is very important that your time near the water is pleasant and safe for both you and your dog. Even if she never learns to swim.

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