Can a guinea pig live alone or is it better to keep a couple?

Before you get a four-legged pet, you need to find out:
- he prefers company or loneliness;
- who will be his best companion;
- how many animals can be kept together.
Can a guinea pig live alone
In the wild, these rodents live in packs. There are cases when they at home without communication fell ill from longing and died.
Hence the conclusion: it is risky to keep a guinea pig alone.
But a person can replace her with communication with representatives of his family.
It is necessary to talk with the animal, take it in your arms, let it run for a while in the aviary or on the street. You need to watch him so that he does not get scared, does not run away.
For those who spend a lot of time outside the home, and in the evenings also cannot devote enough time to their pet, it is recommended to put the cage where the whole family gathers. Watching people, feeling them nearby, he is no longer so alone.
Rabbit, hamster, rat will be good companions for a guinea pig. But even a small jungarik can injure her. Therefore, the best option would be to plant the animals separately, but so that the animals can see each other.

Does a guinea pig need a pair
Some owners find it easiest to get a pair of guinea pigs.
But you need to know that they cannot be together:
- heterosexual rodents;
- two or more males;
- Cavia girls who grew up separately.
Males, being next to the female, will definitely cover her. For young individuals, such matings are undesirable, early births can lead to death.
Also, having produced offspring, the female needs rest for 3-4 months.
Males will eventually begin to fight, compete.
Important! Only sisters who spent their childhood nearby get along well together.
How many guinea pigs to keep
When keeping several animals together, the minimum area norm should be taken into account.
Quantity animals | Area (sq.cm) |
1 | 225 |
2 | 225-320 |
3 | 320-400 |
4 | 400 and more |
Video: single and pair keeping of guinea pigs
Can you keep a guinea pig alone?
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