Cabomba caroline
Cabomba caroliniana, scientific name Cabomba caroliniana var. caroliniana, one of the most popular aquarium plants, has been used for decades. It comes from North and South America, where it grows in the subtropical and temperate zones in swamps, lakes, backwaters of rivers. There are two more varieties: Cabomba caroliniana var. flavida and Cabomba caroliniana var. pulcherrima, but are almost never found in the aquarium hobby.
Due to its unpretentiousness and endurance, Caroline Kabomba is also used in open ponds. The latter was the reason for its wide distribution in the wild outside the natural habitat. Now it is found in Australia, Asia and Europe. It is classified as a weed in many countries.
Grows exclusively underwater. It is easy to maintain and does not require the creation of special conditions. It grows quickly, artificial reproduction occurs by cutting the stem. The cut off fragment, when planted in the ground, forms roots, and it becomes an independent plant. Due to the special structure, reminiscent of a brush for washing, organic plaque settles on thin pinnate leaves in muddy water.