Dog Breeds


Characteristics of Bracco

Country of originItaly
The sizemedium, large
Growth55–67 cm
Weight25–40 kg
Age11–13 years old
FCI breed groupcops
Bracco characteristics

Brief information

  • Stubborn, require education;
  • They love long intense loads;
  • Other names for this breed are Italian Pointer, Bracco Italiano.


The Bracco Italiano is an ancient breed of dog from Italy. Molossians and Egyptian dogs are considered to be the ancestors of this hound. On the frescoes of the 16th century, you can find images of white-and-cream pointers on the hunt. Bracco Italiano has always been an indicator of the power of the owner. Packs of these hunting dogs were kept by the most noble Italian houses, including the Medici.

However, in the 19th century, the popularity of the breed declined so much that it was on the verge of extinction. Nevertheless, the breeders managed to keep it. The first Italian pointer standard was adopted in 1949.

Bracco Italiano is a calm and noble pet. In ordinary life, he rarely rushes, prefers a measured pace. On the hunt, this dog seems to be replaced: it becomes sharp, fast, and its movements are light and accurate. Professional hunters especially appreciate her for her dexterity, diligence and obedience.


The Italian Bracc can be stubborn when it comes to boring activities, so the pet will have to look for an approach. You can’t raise your voice at him, the breeders say that he doesn’t take rudeness well, closes up and stops responding to the owner. Caress, praise and patience are the main tools for raising this dog.

Representatives of the breed are hard to endure separation from the family. Leaving your pet alone for a long time is not recommended: without communication, he can become uncontrollable and even aggressive. The Italian Pointer easily finds a common language with other animals. The key point is the timely and correctly carried out socialization of the puppy – it is carried out at about 2-3 months.

Bracco Italiano is loyal to children. A good-natured dog will endure the antics of kids for a long time, but still he has a better relationship with school-age children when they take care of the dog, walk it and feed it.

Bracco Care

Bracco Italiano will require attention from the owner. The dog’s coat should be rubbed with a damp hand or towel every week. It is very important to treat the folds in the pet’s skin, as well as periodically inspect his hanging ears . Dogs with this type of ear are at risk of developing ear infections and other conditions.

Conditions of detention

Bracco Italiano, despite his phlegmatic temperament in everyday life, is a real gambling athlete: he is able to run several tens of kilometers without stopping. He needs physical activity – without a proper burst of energy, his character can deteriorate. It is for this reason that Braccos are more often bred in private houses outside the city. Nevertheless, he can live in a city apartment, just the owner in this case will have to devote a lot of time to activities with his pet.

One of the main criteria for keeping any dog ​​is quality nutrition . Strong Bracco Italiano quickly gains weight if the feeding regimen is violated.

Bracco – Video

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