Bolbitis Gedelotti
Types of Aquarium Plants

Bolbitis Gedelotti

Bolbitis Gedeloti, Congo fern or African water fern, scientific name Bolbitis heudelotii. Widely distributed in the African tropics. Grows in shallow forest rivers and fast-flowing streams, attaches to stones and snags. Found in the same environment as Anubias.

Bolbitis Gedelotti

Outwardly, it resembles a Java fern, it has a creeping rhizome from which leaves and rhizoids grow (in ferns they are instead of roots). From the stem of the leaf on both sides depart smaller leaves, similar to feathers, matte green in color. They are quite fragile, and if handled carelessly, for example, by cleaning the aquarium, they can be broken.

Bolbitis Gedeloti grows very slowly, it takes one to two months to form one leaf. The aquarium should be placed on stones, snags and other design elements. Do not immerse in the ground otherwise the rhizoids will rot. Prefers a strong current, so it can be located near filters. The optimal composition of the water is soft and slightly acidic. In general, it is quite easy to care for and does not require increased attention. May be recommended for beginner aquarists.

Reproduction of the Congo fern occurs by dividing the creeping rhizome into fragments, provided that the fragment has at least 3-x sheets. In rare cases, young leaves grow in place of old ones.

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