Blue tiger shrimp
Aquarium Invertebrate Species

Blue tiger shrimp

The blue tiger shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis “Blue Tiger”) belongs to the Atyidae family. The exact origin of the species is unknown, it is the result of selection and hybridization of some related species. The size of adults is 3.5 cm in females and 3 cm. For males, life expectancy rarely exceeds 2 years.

Blue tiger shrimp

Blue tiger shrimp Blue tiger shrimp, scientific and trade name Caridina cf. cantonensis ‘Blue Tiger’

Caridina cf. cantonensis ‘Blue Tiger’

Blue tiger shrimp Shrimp Caridina cf. cantonensis “Blue Tiger”, belongs to the family Atyidae

Maintenance and care

May be kept in a communal freshwater aquarium, provided that it does not contain large, predatory or aggressive fish species, for which the Blue Tiger Shrimp will be an excellent snack. The design should include thickets of plants and hiding places in the form of snags, tree roots or hollow tubes, ceramic vessels, etc. Water conditions can vary, but successful breeding is possible in soft, slightly acidic water.

It is worth considering that constant reproduction within the same colony can lead to degeneration and transformation into an ordinary gray shrimp. With each spawning, juveniles will appear that do not look like their parents, they should be removed from the aquarium to maintain the population.

They accept all types of food supplied to aquarium fish (flakes, granules, frozen bloodworms and other protein foods). Plant supplements, such as pieces of homemade vegetables and fruits, should be included in the diet to avoid damage to plants.

Optimal conditions of detention

General hardness – 1–15°dGH

Value pH — 6.5–7.8

Temperature — 15–30°С

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