blue shrimp
The blue shrimp (Neocaridina sp. “Blue”) is the result of artificial breeding. The blue hue of the body is acquired and is not inherited. Breeders use either special food coloring or special types of food with a blue pigment that colors the chitinous shell. It is worth noting that such manipulations do not have the best effect on the health of shrimp, so life expectancy rarely exceeds one year, and in some cases several months.
blue shrimp
Blue shrimp, English trade name Neocaridina sp. Blue
Neocaridina sp. «Blue»
The blue shrimp is an artificially bred form, not found in nature
Maintenance and care
If you are lucky and have acquired healthy individuals, then you should not regret the loss of blue in future offspring, they already look attractive enough, thanks to the various white and black patterns on the body. In captivity, they are distinguished by endurance and unpretentiousness, they get along well with peaceful small fish. They accept all types of food, in the aquarium they will pick up leftover food, various organic matter and algae. When kept with other shrimp, cross-breeding and obtaining hybrids is possible, therefore, in order to preserve the colony, such a neighborhood is best avoided.
They thrive in a wide range of pH and dGH values, but brooding is more likely in soft, slightly acidic water. In the design, it is recommended to combine places for shelters (driftwood, heaps of stones, fragments of wood, etc.) with areas of thickets of plants.
General hardness – 1–15°dGH
Value pH — 6.0–8.4
Temperature — 15–29°С