Aulonocara, scientific name of the genus Aulonocara. In English-speaking countries, they are common under the name Peacock Cichlids (Eng. Peacocks). They are endemic to Lake Nyasa, one of the largest freshwater lakes located in the African Rift Valley on the border of the states of Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique.
This genus of fish includes more than 30 species (36 according to fishbase.org). As the fauna of Lake Nyasa is further studied and changes are made to the existing classification, the number of species included in the genus Aulonokar periodically changes.
In the aquarium trade, in addition to the original, natural species, there are several artificially bred varieties, including hybrids with other Malawian cichlids.
The fish are distinguished by their bright variegated coloration, especially the hybrids. However, the variegated coloration is characteristic mainly of males. Females are noticeably more modestly colored and smaller in size.
They are considered relatively peaceful. It is worth remembering that friendliness is manifested only in large aquariums with a relatively small number of inhabitants. In overcrowded tight tanks, males begin to show territorial behavior and may feud with each other, as well as attack neighboring species. In small (100-200 liters) aquariums, it is desirable to keep harem-type groups with a prevailing number of females.
Due to the need to maintain a specific habitat (high pH and dGH) and careful selection of tankmates, keeping requires some skill and is therefore not recommended for beginner aquarists.
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