An essay about a hamster in Russian (3 options for grades 1-5)

An essay about a hamster in Russian (3 options for grades 1-5)

An essay about a hamster in Russian (3 options for grades 1-5)

Essays on the Russian language allow children not only to improve their command of the word, but also to think on a given topic. Psychologists say that pets are a way for students to develop responsibility and a sense of empathy. The hamster is suitable for the role of the first pet. He is easy to care for and at the same time contact, which helps the child to become attached to him and, when asked for a summary topic, choose an essay about a hamster.

Composition on the topic: My favorite animal is a hamster

Hamsters are a bit like rats, but they are more cute and responsive. My friends like cats and dogs more, but I like fluffy babies.

September 1, when I went to the 5th grade, my parents gave me a present. At home, a cage was waiting for me, and in it sat a golden animal.

Mom explained that the new pet is called the Syrian hamster. At first she helped to take care of him, and then I learned how to clean the cage myself and feed Buttercup.

An essay about a hamster in Russian (3 options for grades 1-5)

He is very fast, so I only let him run around when the doors to the room are closed. It’s a lot of fun to watch Buttercup run around in his wheel. And when he eats, his nose moves funny. Hamsters cannot be fed what you eat yourself, so special food and treats are bought for him. I give Buttercup the pieces from my hand and then he sits in my palm. Mom warned that he might bite, but if you don’t torment Buttercup and hold him for too long, then he will never offend. I always warn my friends when they come to visit me. The rodent should not be strongly squeezed, and you need to take it in your hands only after washing them with soap.

I’m glad I have a hamster. Now this is my favorite animal. I take care of the hamster so that he lives as long as possible. When I get older, I will get several pets at once and I will study their habits.

Composition about the Dzungarian hamster

This is a story about a hamster, which is called Dzungarian. This pet has been with me for a year now. This is a dwarf animal. It has a gray back and a light belly. I named him Timon. Parents bought a large cage for my hamster djungarian. He himself is tiny, but he needs a lot of space to run and play equipment. Timon has tunnels in which he hides.

For health, Timon must move a lot every day. We put a special wheel in his cage where he spends hours. He also has a small bowl for food and a drinker.

Dzungaria can only be fed with special mixtures. Mom buys it at the pet store. Sometimes I give him pieces of fruit or special sticks that he likes to eat.

An essay about a hamster in Russian (3 options for grades 1-5)

Hamsters are nocturnal animals, so I put his food in a bowl and change the water in the evenings. Every day you need to clean the cage so that my Timon does not accidentally eat spoiled pieces of food. I also completely change the filler several times a month.

When Timon first appeared with me, he did not want to sit on his hands. The parents explained that it was necessary to teach him to communicate every day. Now he has become affectionate, but so that he does not run wild, you need to talk and stroke as often as possible.

I love my jungar very much. At first I thought that he was lonely in a cage, but then I found out that these animals like to live without neighbors and he is fine alone.

Composition on the topic: my pet hamster

My beloved pet has been living with me for 2 months now. This is the Syrian hamster Shusha. The name was given to her by her mother: the girl constantly rustles something in the cage. Shushka is funny and funny, I like to watch how she is worn in the house.

When we chose the animal, we read the description of Syrian hamsters. We decided to buy Shusha, because she can live alone and not get bored and rarely gets sick. He also loves to interact with his owners. My pet has a large cage with a wheel and play equipment. Shusha loves hazelnuts, but we only give her one once a week, otherwise the girl will become fat or clumsy.

An essay about a hamster in Russian (3 options for grades 1-5)

The baby constantly stocks up, although we feed her every evening. It is in the nature of animals. My pet carries off small pieces of food and hides them near the place where she sleeps. When I clean the cage, I always look for moldy fruits. They need to be thrown away, otherwise the baby may get poisoned and get sick.

Hamsters need special stones to grind their incisors. Without it, the teeth will grow rapidly and interfere with the animals. We put a special stone for Shushka, and she gnaws at it.

I decided that hamsters are the best pets. Small, affectionate and funny.

Compositions on the topic: My favorite animal is a hamster

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