Achatina snail: a description of how to keep at home
Now it is fashionable to have exotic pets. While some get an owl, a rare spider or a lizard, others – a sable or a serval, others – a Madagascar cockroach, a beetle or a snail. What is the Achatina snail and how to keep at home, we will tell further.
Exotic lovers today often choose a snail as a pet, but not the one that crawls in the garden or grass, but a large Achatina. Such a snail can grow to a huge size. It is not difficult to take care of a cute creature, because every novice lover can do it, and the cost of a mollusk is quite democratic. In Russian pet stores, it is realistic to buy Achatina for 100-400 rubles.
Snail varieties
There are different types of giant snails. The most common are the following:
- Fulik. This is the most popular species among beginner breeders. Unpretentious pets that live for about 6 years often breed. One clutch contains up to 300 eggs.
- Immaculate. An interesting type of mollusk is distinguished by a milky color and a red stripe. Due to the unique color of the shell, the snail looks luxurious.
- Reticulum. The African view surprises with its beauty. The corrugated mollusk shell is covered with small spots. Active pets are not afraid of people and are very inquisitive.
- Iradeli. This species originates in Africa. A miniature mollusk (about 7 cm) has a bright and unique appearance: a delicate lemon shell, a light wide leg and a coffee head. At a time, the female gives birth to up to 30 babies.
- Albopicta. This variety is similar to the reticulum, because the young are almost indistinguishable. In an adult snail, the shell has a darker color and a pink tip, which is considered an exotic feature.
- Tiger. One of the most valuable varieties comes from Nigeria. Tiger-colored mollusks can grow up to 33 cm. They are capricious in care and develop slowly.
- Glutinosa. This species comes from Mali, in southeast Africa. Due to the dark color of the shell, this snail is called brown. The mobile pet is distinguished by a massive body and a dark spot on the head.
The presented types of Achatina snails can be bought at domestic pet stores.
How to keep at home
African snails need to be fed greens, fruits and raw vegetables daily. Do not use dog or cat dry food. The main important components for snails are protein, calcium, fiber.
As for the Achatina, which are also called giant, they live in colonies, but a novice breeder can get just one snail. The main advantage of these individuals is that they are omnivores. These mollusks do not need frequent cleaning. It is enough to clean the house 1-2 times a week.
It is desirable to settle a snail in an aquarium, and at least 15 liters of free space should be counted on one pet (more: https://skstoit.ru/zhivotnye/skolko-stoit-ulitka-ahatina.html). At home, Achatina are active throughout the year, but if proper care is not provided, the mollusks can hibernate for 7-9 months.
The active phase of snail growth is observed in the first 2 years, after which it slows down and gradually stops. And although unusual pets are notable for their low speed of movement and relatively small growth, they need quality care and a balanced diet. These mollusks are ideal for those owners who prefer peace in the house, do not tolerate wool, but want to take care of someone.