About guard dogs
Alexander, a cynologist instructor, was asked to check how well one of the representatives of the glorious Alabai tribe mastered the skills of guarding the object entrusted to him, that is, the apartment.
As agreed, Alexander unlocked the door, entered the protected facility, but, contrary to expectations, no one attacked him. Moreover, there were no obvious signs of the dog being in the apartment either. Alexander, having examined the rooms, suspected by a sinful deed that he had become the object of a not very successful draw, breaking into someone else’s apartment. Just as he was about to leave, to be sure, he also looked into the kitchen. Where he noticed that the kitchen table was somehow strangely trembling. Under the table, a huge alabai was found, sleeping peacefully in the arms of Morpheus. The vibration of the table, in fact, was explained by his heroic snoring. From a human point of view, it is very clear: the sentry is sleeping – the service is in progress. Angry, Alexander, with all his foolishness, shandarkat on the table with his fist. . You just need to wake him up first.