A fish is also a person! Aquarists Surprised by New Study
Each fish is individual. However, her “rich inner world” can be understood only with constant observation. This was proved by the experiment of Lynn Sheldon from the University of Liverpool.
The details of the experiment may seem cruel, but the result was worth it. Scientists planted a bold and modest fish in one aquarium and looked at their confrontation. It turned out that the brave does not always win in battle. But the winner always becomes even bolder, and the loser – more careful. At the same time, the losing fish became bolder when extracting new sources of food. The researchers suggested that the fish have to look for new food sources if it loses to a larger neighbor. It is interesting that bold fish no longer claimed these sources.
It turns out that the behavior of the fish can be changed – its preferences are influenced by circumstances.
The study was supported by amateur aquarists who like to watch their fish and note some of their habits. Skeptics ridiculed this, recalling the short memory of fish. But the results of Lynn Sheldon’s research suggest otherwise: the aquarist really sees the personal characteristics of his pet. The main thing – do not draw a conclusion about the breed from the behavior of one fish. It is quite normal if one of your fish is active and cocky, and all the rest like to hide in algae. The following fish are highly likely to become bright personalities in your aquarium:
- oscar;
- angel fish;
- cockerels;
- loach clowns;
- goldfish.
The deeper you know the nature of your fish, the more comfortable conditions in the aquarium you can provide for their needs. And this is the success of the aquarist.