7 bird cartoons

7 bird cartoons

You can envy the birds – because they can fly! And cartoons about birds to some extent allow you to look at the world from a bird’s eye view. And at the same time experience many adventures. We bring to your attention 7 cartoons about birds.

Angry Birds Movie (USA, 2016)

Peaceful birds live on the remote and isolated from the world Bird Island, who believe that there is no one else in the whole world except them. However, not all of them are peace-loving – Red, the main character of the story, constantly became a victim of bullying in childhood, and now at any moment he is ready to explode with anger. It was he who began to suspect evil when one day a ship arrived on Bird Island, on board of which were the pig Leonard and his subjects – at first glance, charming creatures. But Red understands that something is not right here …

7 bird cartoons

Storks (USA, 2016)

Storks are known to deliver babies to humans. However, Jasper, one of the storks, as a result of a fatal accident, suddenly decided to keep a child for himself – a girl named Buttercup. As a result of this extraordinary event, the work of delivering children was disrupted, and storks began to deliver a variety of packages. This went on for 18 years, until Buttercup grew up, and Hunter, the head of the storks, decided to get rid of her …

7 bird cartoons

Valiant: Feathered Special Forces (USA, 2005)

May 1944. Employees of a secret base near London are busy preparing super agents to fight the Nazis. Super agents are unusual – these are pigeons that are in the Royal Pigeon Service. Birds are real heroes, but they have a hard time, because the fierce and experienced falcons of the Gestapo oppose the pigeons. Young Valiant dreams of joining the ranks of brave superagents, and one day his dream comes true. But a new job comes with a deadly risk…

By the way, cartoon characters have real prototypes. After all, 32 pigeons were awarded the highest animal medal for bravery (the Deakin medal). And besides them, 18 dogs, 3 horses and 1 cat.

7 bird cartoons

Zambezia (South Africa, 2012)

A young falcon named Kai lives in Katongo with his father. But he has no friends, and life seems boring. And how to change it, Kai does not know. Until one day he finds out that far away, by the waterfall, there is a city of all birds – Zambezia. And there a detachment of warriors-defenders was created, to which Kai terribly wants to join. Despite the fact that his father is categorically against it, Kai sets off on his journey…

Turkeys: Back to the Future (USA, 2013)

Reggie is a turkey who is very afraid of becoming the main Thanksgiving dish. But he has no choice – he lives on a farm where turkeys are grown specifically for a festive dinner. However, Reggie pulled out a lucky ticket – he became a “pardoned turkey” and moved to Camp David, where he enjoys idleness and TV shows. Until one day he is kidnapped by Jake, the president and sole member of the Turkey Freedom Society. The mission of the society is to save the turkeys from the terrible fate of becoming part of the holiday menu. And Jake is convinced that this requires Reggie. Also a time machine…

7 bird cartoons

Legends of the Night Watchmen (USA, Australia, 2010)

There are no people left in the world, but there are animals and birds. Wise owls rule everything. Teenage owlet Soren loves stories about the Night Watchmen, but his brother makes fun of him, stating that they are just fairy tales. One day during flight training, Soren and his brother Kludd fall to the ground. Unfamiliar owls pick them up, but flatly refuse to return them home…

7 bird cartoons

Rio (USA)

In Brazil, smuggling of exotic birds is rampant, and one of the victims is a blue macaw chick from the rainforest. When the chick was brought to Minnesota, the trailer door accidentally opened and the bird fell out into the snow. The girl Linda saved the chick and named him Darling. Darling lived with Linda for 15 years – never learned to fly, but quite happily. And everything would be fine if an absent-minded ornithologist did not appear in Linda’s house and persuade the girl to take Darling to Brazil – after all, there is the last female blue macaw, and the species needs to be saved! If only Linda and Darling knew how this journey would turn out …

7 bird cartoons

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