6 weird habits your cat has

6 weird habits your cat has

 Cats are fascinating animals that sometimes do very strange things. In some cases, it may even feel like they are trying their best to make us nervous. But the strange habits of these animals can always be explained. Most often, it lies in the natural instincts that modern cats inherited from their distant ancestors. Let’s talk about six things that often make us wonder “why?”. 

photo: wikipet.ru

  • Throw things off the table. If you are a happy cat owner, then you are probably familiar with this hobby of hers. Such pranks can make you laugh and sometimes scare you, but they have a very logical explanation. Playful paws come into play when a cat is interested in any object: “Hmm, what will happen if I “inadvertently” push it like this?” Another possible explanation is to get your attention. Cats are the smartest creatures, they know that when you hear the sound of falling objects, you will immediately come running to see what is happening.
  • Пturn your tail towards you and defiantly stick out your fifth point. Cats often use body language to communicate with us. And this is one of the gestures, most likely asking for a little affection. Therefore, do not be offended when a fluffy ass is sent to your face, take it as a compliment.
  • Kick back with your hind legs. Such behavior is always interesting to observe: the cat firmly wraps its front paws around you, and actively “fights” with its hind legs. Here the explanation depends on the circumstances. In some cases, the pet is just trying to play with you. However, in others, such a gesture may play a protective role, urging you not to pester, for example, when the cat is bored that you stroke it.
  • Pull different things. There are several reasons why you sometimes can’t find odds and ends around the house. First, it is a way to get your attention. Secondly, the missing thing could turn out to be such a wonderful ball (or mouse) that, flying around the house in the midst of cat football, flew somewhere very far away. And if the thing is also made of material that is interesting to the touch and taste, then this is just a godsend for a spy! Thirdly, if you always forbid touching this very object, then in your absence it becomes the most attractive of all, skillfully sneaks out and hides in a secluded place for future games without your annoying prohibitions.
  • Get into the tightest places. The love of cats for boxes, vases and other space-limiting objects is known to all. Most likely, this behavior is explained by the fact that once cats could easily become prey for larger predators and, accordingly, hid in narrow, hard-to-reach places, curling up into a ball (which, by the way, also protects vital organs in case of an attack). Such a secluded place, especially if it was somewhere high up, also gave the cats the opportunity to observe predators. And while the fact that a cat sleeps in a free, relaxed position is a good indicator that she feels comfortable, a ball curled up tightly in a small space does not mean the opposite at all, so you should not worry.
  • Sit on technology. Everything is obvious here. For example, cats love to climb on TVs and computers, as they are warm and cozy, and their screens are full of bright moving pictures. Of course, it’s hard to say whether cats perceive the image on the screen the way we do, but the movement obviously attracts their attention. Sometimes the cat can climb on the equipment as a “distraction” when he lacks your attention, which is completely directed to the picture on the screen.



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