12 of the weirdest Guinness World Records held by dogs

12 of the weirdest Guinness World Records held by dogs

Dogs are wonderful animals. But some of them even have special talents that make us seriously think: “Is this how and why?”.

Let’s take a look at the 12 strangest and most unexpected Guinness World Records held by dogs.

1) Pop XNUMX balloons in the shortest amount of time.

Video: dogtime.com

Toby from Canada broke all the balloon popping records. It takes him only 28,22 seconds to destroy one hundred pieces. The previous record holder in this field is a Jack Russell Terrier named Twinkie from California. Owner Toby says that during training they even once filled the pool with balls. All the neighbors came to see the spectacle.

2) Catch the most balls with your front paws in a minute.

Video: dogtime.com

Maybe you have even met a beagle named Purin on the Internet, because besides the fact that she is talented, she is also insanely cute. Her owner noticed one day that Pudding was catching the balls he threw at her with his front paws. Since then, they have been devoting at least 15 minutes a day to practice the skill in one of the parks close to home in Japan. The most balls that Pudding has caught in a minute is 14.

3) Run a hundred meters with a tin can on your head in the least amount of time.

Video: dogtime.com

Sweet Pea is the record holder in the discipline, which, well, is very surprising and raises the question: “Who even comes up with all this?”. Sweet Pea’s owner taught her how to walk by balancing a soda can on her head. She walks a hundred meters with a jar on her head in 2 minutes 55 seconds.

4) Walk 10 meters on the ball in the minimum amount of time.

Video: dogtime.com

Sailor’s poodle had a hard time in the past – they practically decided to euthanize him because of how unruly he was. But a trainer stepped in and took Sailor home. By the way, the same one who taught Sweet Pea her can trick. Sailor went through a lot of training and learned a lot, but he got into the record book for passing 10 meters on a ball in 33,22 seconds (and also for the same thing, but backwards, in 17,06 seconds).

5) Take a photo with the most celebrities.

Video: dogtime.com

Lucky Diamond began her journey to the title of record holder when she first photographed with star Hugh Grant. After him, 363 more celebrities appeared in the photo with the dog, including Bill Clinton, Kristin Stewart, Snoop Dogg and Kanye West. No other animal on the planet has so many photos with famous people. Therefore, thousands of fans on the Lucky Diamond Facebook page pushed the owner to an important step – to contact the Guinness Book of Records and receive official confirmation of the uniqueness of her pet.

6) Skateboard under the most people.

Video: dogtime.com

Japanese dog Dai-Chan broke the record in this discipline in 2017 by riding a skateboard under a “bridge” of 33 people. The previous record holder, Otto, did the same with just 30 people.

7) Collect the most dogs in bandanas.

Video: dogtime.com

In 2017, no fewer than 765 dogs gathered in Pretoria, South Africa, each wearing a bright headdress. The event was charitable – all fees went to the budget of the league against cruelty to animals.

8) Walk the tightrope in the least amount of time.

Video: dogtime.com

Ozzy is a very active dog. To dilute the physical exercises of his pet with something interesting, the owner of Ozzy taught him to walk on a tightrope. The talented dog walks over it in 18,22 seconds and is rewarded with a few throws of his favorite toy.

9) Collect the most bottles from the ground.

Video: dogtime.com

Labrador named Tabby is better than many people fulfilling his duty to save the planet. For several years now, he has been helping his mistress collect plastic bottles every day. During all this time, he has already collected 26.000 bottles.

10) Travel 30 meters on a scooter in the least amount of time.

Video: dogtime.com

Norman earned the title of record holder by riding a 30m scooter in 20,77 seconds. He beat the previous fastest rider by as much as 9 seconds! Norman has been riding a scooter since he was a puppy, and he also knows how to ride a bike.

11) Ride the longest wave in open waters.

Video: dogtime.com

The owner Abi Girl learned about his pet’s love for water quite by accident – one day she swam after him while surfing. He put her next to him on the board, and together they began to conquer the waves. Abi Girl trained a lot and showed everyone her talent by riding a wave of as much as 107,2 meters.

12) Become the first dog skydiver to fight illegal hunting of wild animals.

Video: dogtime.com

Arrow and her owner work together to help wildlife in Africa. The German Shepherd has always loved to accompany his owner on helicopter missions and has never been afraid of heights or strong winds. Then her master concluded: why not take her with him on a mission? Arrow received proper training and was recognized as the first parachuting dog on anti-poacher missions.

Translated for WikiPet.You might also be interested in: 5 richest animal millionaires«

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