12 cat detectives

12 cat detectives

Cats, it turns out, not only walk by themselves, but also have a rare gift to solve crimes! Well, or, in any case, to help people in this. The proof is a lot of detective stories, in which purrs are not the last place. If you love cats and detectives, this collection will surely please you. 

Lillian Jackson Brown “The Cat Who…”

Cat lovers and detectives, rejoice! This is not one book, but a whole series of more than 30 volumes, the main characters of which are Jim Qwilleran, a crime reporter, and his Siamese cats Yum-Yum and Koko. The action of the detectives takes place in a small American town, and not a single mysterious crime will go unnoticed and unsolved if Qwilleran and his four-legged assistants take up the case.

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Shirley Russo Murphy “Cat Detective”

This is another series that consists of five books. The main character is a detective cat named Gray Joe, who does not occupy gray cells. Human intelligence is combined in Gray Joe with a truly feline curiosity. And with the assistance of Dulcie’s girlfriend, he reveals the most mysterious crimes.

Photo: google.by

Louise Munro Foley “…said the cat”

  • “Thief!” – said the cat
  • “Blood!” – said the cat
  • “Poison!” – said the cat

These three books are united by the main character – the cat Ryzhik, a friend and faithful companion of the schoolgirl Kiki Collier. This couple manages to solve a number of crimes that were too tough for officials.

Photo: google.by

Frauke Scheunemann “The Adventures of the Cat Detective”

Another series of books dedicated to detective cats. The protagonist is Winston the cat, who is investigating a poisoning attempt (“Winston, beware!”), a series of thefts (“The Mystery of the Escaped Safe” and “The Arena Detective”), kidnappings (“The Secret of the Spruce Letters” and “Saving Odette”), and also exposes a gang of smugglers (“Soft Paws Agent”).

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Carol Nelson Douglas “Cotnapping”

Louie the cat loves mysteries and secrets and completely disagrees with the saying that it is curiosity that can kill a cat. He knows for sure that no one is afraid of the representatives of the cat family, even the villain! And although people are so slow-witted that they cannot understand cat language, Louis still undertakes to help former journalist Temple Barr solve the murder. Even though the main witnesses, the Scottish Fold cats, seem to have been kidnapped…

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Akif Pirinci “Feline”

One by one people are dying. And a cat named Francis is taken to investigate crimes. Soon Francis comes to the conclusion that the murders are connected with people who … know how to understand cats! Will Francis be able to find the maniac killer and bring him to justice?

Photo: google.by

Miranda James “Murder Overdue”

Librarian Charlie Harris and his cat Diesel lead a measured life in the American town of Athens (Mississippi). However, the quiet life of a small town is disturbed by the high-profile murder of bestselling author Godfrey Priest, famous throughout the country. Harris and Diesel will have to unearth a lot of ugly secrets hiding behind decent facades before they unmask the killer…

Photo: google.by

Mildred Gordon “The Mysterious Cat Goes to Work”

The protagonist of this detective story is D.K. Randall. Moreover, D.K. stands for “Devil Cat” – probably due to the huge size and black color of this fluffy. FBI agents bring in a cat to investigate crimes as an informant…  

Photo: google.by

Natalya Alexandrova “Special Purpose Cat”

A couple of virtuoso scammers take on any task, but what if a seemingly simple order turns into a lot of problems? In addition, Askold, the favorite cat of the main characters, disappeared. But, as they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped: the search for the missing pet allows us to find out who announced the hunt for our scammers …

Photo: google.by

Alexander Gostomyslov “A cat for a lone detective”

A client of a private detective agency comes with an unusual problem – Russian Blue cats are being kidnapped. But it would not be so scary if people related to cats had not started to die. And they say that a gang has appeared that catches beautiful cats to make fur coats … How to figure it all out?

Photo: google.by

Elena Mikhalkova “It is not recommended to offend cats”

The girl-photographer, succumbing to pity, picked up a kitten on the street. And from that moment on, strange things begin to happen around her, up to an attempted murder. And all because the unfortunate kitten was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Photo: google.by

Galina Kulikova “Cat Patrol”

A ginger cat named Mercedes, the pet of private detective Arseniy Kudesnikov, is extremely curious and can’t help but stick his nose into any crevice. So the investigation of a mysterious murder in a small village will not do without his participation! Moreover, the owner carries his pet with him everywhere.

Photo: google.by

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